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For A Sweet Breath

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Don 't expect to have clean teeth or a sweet brcatb while tbere is a tinge of white on tho tougue. It is .au uuniistakable evidenee of indigestión. Drink sour lemonade. eat ripe fruit and green vegetables for purgativas, exeroise freely, use plenty of water internally and externally, and keep up the treatment until the mouth is clean, healthy and red. Varions things are suggested to counteract au unpleasant breatli resulting trom a bad tooth, wiiie or garlic scented dishes. CinnaniOD, mint, creunis, orris root, clores, mástic rosin and spruce ■gum Will disguise some odors. Ten drops of tincture of niyrrh in a glass of water will sweeteu and refresh the mouth. A teaspoonful of spirits of camphor or peppermiot in the same gargle is among the vcry best antiséptica, and a few drops of niyrrh and camphor in the water are recommended in case of cold, tbroat trouble or any sligbt indisposition which may affect the breath. -


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News