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Q# A. MAC LACHLAN, M. D. Diseases of the EYE, KAK, NOSE and THKOAT Office, cor. of Main and V;ishinrton Streets. ienidence, 14 S. Stille Street. Resldence tolejhone, No. lffl. Oftioe telephono No. 181. Hours: 1O a. m. to 12 and 1 to 5 p. m. MARTIN & FISCHER. PB0PH1KTOB8O TUK WESTERN BREWEBY AS M ARBOR, MICHBrewers of Pure Lasrer Beer. LOUIS FiOlIDE, Coal & Wood Leliili V"fllle.v Coal, $6.50 per tou. Beech and Maple Blocks, $2.50 u cord. Beecli ii nd Maple, 4 f eet, $5.50 i cord Main Office- 36 E. Huron Street. Yards- 50 West Huron Street. PUy : Vclir ; Croceries WrWLtSALI PftlCES Get -nicily freeh kooöh and save retal Iers pi'otits. Goods delivered free at your depot. Beud tor price ligt. JOHN T. HOLMES & CO. 385 Grand Hiver Ave., DETROIT, MIGH. WIM:. HBRZ, NO. 4 W. WASHINGTON ST. House, Üign, Obnamehal and Fresco Painter, gilding, calcuiiiiiliitr, glazing and paper bang Ing. All work is done in the beat style and wRrranted to Rive ntiflfaotion. . otice to Credltors. tTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY w .i Washteiitiw ú, Notice is hereby jfiven, thai by a rflr oC the Probate C'ourt for the OoviEt-v of Wïihtenaw, mude on the tenth day of Dpoinliti'. A. D. 1894, six mouths trom that date wre atlowed for cniHota to present their cliiiuif apainst the at Wllllim Kobcrt Price, Ifiteof saitl countTi dwettifedi and that ftll creditor of said decensf 1 oi ttrquiroi to present tliuir claim to si4d i'oií ihe Probate Olfice in the ity (f Ann Ai tr. lor examiuation aud allowance, on or befiii'c tht' ïotitli day of ,7 u ne, next, aod ihal snch fluims will bfl heard before --aiil eotirt, oo theeleveiith d.iy i Marrh, and on the tonih day of June next, at Ion o'clnck in tn fbrenuon ofeeh oi'saiildaya. Dftted. A ii n Ari.or, Dec. lOtli, A. D 1894. I. WILLAKD lïABBITT, Judceof Probate. Notice to Creclirors. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY oV Was.tennw.eö. No! iet: is hereby giren, thit by an order ni !he Probate ('ourt for the CountTof Washtenv. mnd1 on the lOth dy of December A. Di 1S94. s inonths GrOm tb at date werc allowed forcrediloi to present their olatma agiuust the ejtHte (l Snrab w iu-, lale ol'said county, defi:t.-ed, ml that , ] credltors of said lece-ased are n q ui red to present their claim tosaid ProUiip L'nurt ut the Probate oöice in tbc city of A mi V.rifir, fbi Bxaminatlua an4 allowance on or tx'iuic iIih ii.ih na of June net, and tbiit siicli wlll heard before said Court, on lh Uili d:iy n! Mrtreh aud n the lOth day oí J nut' !"-t, ut ''■' O'clocJi in the foienon of ecVi ftf -:'i' irt' f. 1 Dteil.Aini irlmr, December 10, A. P. 184. .1 WIIJjARD HAlïBITl. Judge of Probat?.


Ann Arbor Argus
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