Dexter Township
Drs. Honey and Parker were in Uurand last week. Mrs. J. Alger and children will spend the holidays in Chicago. Mrs. Brackett, of Rochester, Ind. , is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark. L. L. James was in Detroit the first of the week. R. Scadin has gone to Florida to spend the winter. Mrs. Stevens, of Ann Arbor, made a call on some ot her friends. Monday. Mrs. Shepherd Taylor, of Stockbridge, spent last week with A. Taylor and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carpenter gave a Christmas dinner to a number of their friends. Wm. Cobb and family are entertaining relatives from Jackson. Jesse Parson and family, of Webster, were entertained by Hudson friends on Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Carpenter is passing the holidays with her sons in Ann Arbor. The 'pupils of the high school are enjoying a vacation. Ed. Reid, of Grand Rapids, is the guest of his brother here. ' The May Leggett concert was held at the opera house on Friday evening and was well attended. T. Bell made a flying trip to Hudson last Friday. Wm. Asquith of Stockbridge, was here visiting friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. McClain are entertaining her sister and family from Ypsilanti. Mr. and Mrs. John Pidd are entertaining friends for a few days. The Hudson school scholars are enjoying a ten days, vacation between Christtnas and New Year's. Frank Erwin is home from Ypsilanti for Christmas and New Year's. Miss Clara Schmidt closed a very successful term of school in the Gallagher district last Friday. A. E. Goodwm is spending the holidays with his parents in Ann Arbor. Messrs. P. Reider and G. Alley were in Ann Arbor on business Friday. Patrick Farham, of Pinckney, called on some of his friends here one day the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Hughs are entertaining her sister for a few weeks. Frank Smith and some of his friends spent Monday in Livingston county. Mrs. M. Story and family had the pleasure of entertaining her brother and wife from the University city on Tuesday. Mr. Case, of New Vork, will spend the winter in this place. Thomas McGinniss entertained his Friend from Pinckney on Thursdav. lSertha Ferris has returned to her home, after a few days' visit with Chelsea friends. James Riley and wife visited in Ann Arbor on Wednesday. Mrs. M. Miller, of Hamburg, called on her Dexter friends, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith gave a Christmas dinner to a number of their relatives. Miss M. E. Taylor spent Thursday with cousins at Chelsea. The next concert wül be held in the Dexter opera house on Jan. 3, 1895. Thomas Birkett ate Christmas dinner with his daughter and family. Felix Dunlavy, of Podunk, made a business trip here the past week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Wheeler, of Pinckney, were visitors at Dexter, Saturday. Messrs. Carpenter and Ballou were in Ann Arbor on business, Wednesday. Miss Ettie Sheehan, of the State Normal school, will spend her vacation with her parents in Hamburg. Mrs. Coyle, of Ypsilanti, will spend the holidays with relatives here. Mrs. John McCabe is entertaining relatives from abroad. Misses Dolan, of Pinckney, visited friends in the University city on Thursday. Will Curlett was at the county seat on Tuesday. T. McQuillain was a Chelsea visitor on Thursday. John Pacey and friend made a business trip to Marión on Friday. Mr. Davis, of Pinckney, made us a pleasant cali on Wednesday. Miss Tessie Sweetman has returned to Pinckney, after a few days' visit with her sister here. Orville Stanton has returned home after a few days visit with Ann Arbor friends. Carleton Van Riper, of Fowlerville, spent last week here, on business. F. S. Alley made a business trip to Detroit on Tuesday. Miss Mabel Buchanan, of Chelsea, is visiting her uncle and family. Mrs. C. De Camp, of Hamburg, was the guest of friends here. Mrs. Charles Pratt, of Grand Rapids, who has been visiting relatives here, has returned to her home. Daniel Anthoy and wife, after a few weeks' stay with friends, have returned to their home in Cayuga, New York. Mrs. Hiram Pierce, of Portland, is visiting her sister here. William Valentine and wife, of Hamburg, ate Christmas turkey with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Green. B. Hudson and family and Ed. Campbell and family spent Xmas with their parents in the village. Mr. and Mrs. James Rowe and son Earl spent Tuesday and Wednesday with rjslatives near Foster. Lawrence Hughs and wife, of the U. of M., will spend the week here with his sister. George Clark, of Putnam, made us a cali last Monday. Mr. Green, of Howell, called on friends here last Wednesday. Mrs. M. Vernón entertained her friend last Sunday. VVill Darrow and wife, of Pinckney, made their Dexter friends a cali last Sunday. Misses Mac Vincent and Ina Wilson, of Ann Arbor, were entertained jat the home of A. Taylor last Suni day. The Misses Fleming called on some of their Ann Arbor friends, Wednesday. Mrs. Carrie Seper and Miss Mary Lee were visitors at Ann Arbor recently. Hiram Butler has returned home after several weeks' visit with friends I ia Ypsilanti. The Congregational Sunday school will hold a social at the parsonage on New Year's night. The ladies of St. James' church gave a supper to the children of the Sunday school on Tuesday evening. Bom, Thursday, December I3th, to Mr. and Mrs. Reider, a son. B. Becker and family, of St. Louis, Mo., have moved their goods and will live in the village. C. Smith, who has been visiting at the home of his father-in-law, returned to his home in Detroit. Stanley and Ed. Blomfield, of Olivet college, will spend their vacation with their parents. Zera Burr and wife were called to Stockbridge to attend the funeral of their uncle, last Tuesday.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
William Asquith