The U. S. Oov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior te all others. Fout Biy Successes. Having the needed merit to more than make good all the advertising claimed for them, the following four remedies have reached a phenomenal sale: Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, each bottle guaran teed - Electric Hitters. the great remedy for the Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, and Dr. King's New Life Filis, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to do just what is claimed for them and the dealer whose name is attached herewith will he glad to teil yon more of thoni. Sold at drugstore of Eberbach Drug a,nd (ihemical Co., Ann Arbor, and Geo. J. Ilaussler, Manchester.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News