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She Didn't Guess

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Like many other things, au alarm clock is a good thing when confined to its own sphere. But a young mau who lives iu Tioga had au experience with one the other day which, to say the least, was emburrassiug. Being a heavy sleeper, it was not unoomniou ior hhn to miss liis train to fchö city iu the uiorniag, so h(! resolved to iuvest iu au alarm clock. One experieuce with it was onough, and tliat oocurred while he was taking Iris parchase lióme. Walkiug throngh the train, be chauced to see a certain young lady sittiug iu a seat, the other half of whioh was unoccupied. The yonng man know the young lady - in fact, he is said to have had entertained seriaras hopes before the alarm got in its little work. He sat down beide her, with his package in his lap, and smilod bis swcotest. She askedhim what he was taking homo, and he playfully bid her gness. ' 'Caudy? Cigars? Neckties?" No, it was uone of these Just as sbe was about to venture a fourth guess there was a muftled sonad from the interior of the pacakge and then a loud clang that resounded weirdly through the car. Tlie young man blushed, the young lady giggled, and the passengers roared. It seemed as thongh the thing would never stop, and it didn'tuntil thedisgusted youth


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News