English Evening Papers
The education of the public is supposed to be advancing, bat that view of affairs is evidently not takeu by the editors, jndging frow the kind of matter which they set before their readers, whioh gets scrappier day by day - or evening by evening. The so ealled "news" nowadays runs somewhat as t'ollows: ('oal is black. Herrines lay inore eggs than fowls do. The uruperor of Japau has got a false tooth. Water is a compound of oxygtm and hydrogen. It is stated that Lord Rosebery, who is the prime minister, owns a race horse. It is a curious coincidence that yesterday was wet and that the battle of Waterloo was fought on Juue 18, 1815. We learn un good authority that Alexander the Great was not the originatorof the electric light. ItwasXerxes of Persia, who, however, did not take ont a patent for it. AnĂ¯ so ou, aud so on.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News