Trout Walk Over Land
Captain Barker has built a mee camp, with a gootl cellar, near his hatchery at Bemis, which overlooks the spring, and has í man on guard night and day. He also has a nuniber of trape set iu the stream and on the bauks. In 011e the other night he caugiit a inonstor owl. In constructing his hatchery he exoavated a place about 20 feet square in the bank, where he founil a largo boiling spring which is connected with the original spawning ground. The trout havo gone over the old bed into the house, v:hero they are clearing ofr the gronnd and seem to prefer it to the open water. The captain will snip a few trout from other places aud hatch them in trays in tho spring in the hatchhouse. The captain says that trout will go over dry land to get to their Spawning groniui. The above statement ia based on facts, as he and several of his workmen a few days ago saw a trout come up stream to where it was filled with leaves. The trout rested a moment or two, tlien started overland some three or four fect to open water. One of the men remarked that all that was needed for the trout to reaob the hatchery was to have a road swamped for them. The captain haa also eularged the old spring about ouo-third. He has a way of seouring the trout for stripping without auy injury. He catclies mauy sheldrako bv the bead by setting a baited
Ann Arbor Argus
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