The Evening News
g " The Great Daily of Michigan." 9 The Associated Press and many smaller news gathering agencies, O. a thousand active correspon-f?1!,. dents, a large forcé of ciy and special reporters, fp k ful and capable edjtors, q {J thoughtful editorial writers, _ {%(%(% i special contributors and artists, work unceasingty yj day after day to produce J O "The Great Dailyof Michi- o.5gan," to say nothing of the ft hundreds engaged in the ' printing, mailing, and drsO O tributron of over 60,000 papers every day, throughout the State, o Yisit the Press Room of the News when in Detroit. 9 2 Cekts Corv. 65 SHELBY STREET, t O 10 Cents A Week. q 9 tl. SS ron 3 Mobths BV Mail. DETROIT. O g Agencies in every vïllage , town and city hl the State of Michigan. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOtDrM)
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News