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The Argus For The New Year

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The Ann Arbor Argus is threescore and one years of age, and it will enter upon the new year prepared to give its readers all the benefits of a long experience in the field of a live, reliable, newsy local family paper. During the year to come it will not only maintain its position at the front among newspapers of its class, but will strive to be better than ever before. Notwithstanding the eclipse of democracy on the ides of last November, the Argus will continue democratie as of yore. All issues discussed in its columns shall have honest treatment, however, and matters of news will be impartially given. VVhile it already has the largest circulation of any Washtenaw paper, it will try to deserve a more extended patronage by being conducted in such a ma$iner as to make itself a necessity in every household. At the beginning of the present year it was changed to two papers a week instead of one - one hundred and four papers a year - but the price remained the same, one dollar, thus giving its readers more matter for the money than any other local paper. For the coming year a clubbing arrangement has been made with several other valuable periodicals whereby the cost to paid subscribers rnay be still farther reduced. The Argus will be furnished with the Weekly Free Press or the SemiWeekly World, Michigan Farmer, American Gardening, each of which costs a dollar, for #1.65. The Argus will also be furnished with any two of the above for $2.30, with a year's subscription to the Farmer's Friend thrown in. The Argus will also be furnished together with the American Farmer, the oldest agricultural journal in America, for L1.10 All the papers mentioned above are strictly first class in their respective lines. American Gardening is an illustrated journal of horticulture, devoted to the work of the garden, fruits, flowers and vegetables, trees and shrubs, the conservatory and the care of the home grounds. Any other leading home or foreign journals will also be furnished Argus subscribers at the lowest rates. You cannot get better rates anywhere than those the Argus will give you. Cali and see. A tariff war is on between Spain and the United States. The duty on raw sugar carried by the United States tariff law has offended Spain, and she has retaliated by placing the United States in her "first column." Spain divides all nations, in their commercial relations, into two classes, those that have made satisfactory trade treaties and those that have not. Countries which have not made satisfactory commercial arrangements are placed in the first column, and the maximum rates of duties are imposed on the imports froni such countries as Spain has now placed the United States in this column. Our government threatens to lay "discriminating flag duties" on Spanish, Cuban and Costo Rican imports. It is thought that the Spanish colonies would get much the worst of such a deal. These colonies, lying near the United States, have their principal trade with our nation, and and should they be shut out of our market by means of the discriminating "flag duties," great loss would be entailed upon them, and they could not compete with other countries engaged in the production of similar producís. While it is to be hopedtharthe matter may be cably settled, there seems to be tnore disadvantage for Spain in persisting in such an unfriendly course than for the United States. A burned child dreads the fire and from republican guesses at the governor's coming message he dreads a return of the roasting that his spendthrift administration received in the last campaign. It will certainly be entirely in order for him to urge "the strictest economy and the most business-like methods," as both are qualifications heretofore wanting in his public policy. If the campaign did not by direct result change the extravagance of our present administration, it will be of great worth in that it has indirectly forced the party in power to give early and careful attention to those things so fully pointed by the democracy as needing attention, and as having been entirely ignored. If his excellency kept his ears open during the last campaign he has many good pointers by which to steer his message into useful and, by hirn, hitherto neglected lines. The state teachers' association is in session at Lansing this week and the attendance is probably the largest in the history of the association. Michigan rnay justly feel proud of her teachers. They are as clean able, progressive and influential a body of men and women as can be found in any calling. The time is passed, if it ever was, when it can be truthfully said that persons o first-class ability do not seek to enter the teachers' profession. Men and women as capable as can be found anywhere are engaged in the sacred work of preparing the children of today for the great body o the citizenship of tomorrow. Their work is a grand work and it is in the hands of noble men and women All hail to Michigan's teachers! The income tax is before the supreme court of the District of Columbia. It is to be attacked on constitutional grounds. There is little doubt, however, but that it wil stand the test. The right of con gress to impose such a tax was brought before the supreme court during the rebellion and decided in the affirmative. The decisión was not entirely free from questions of the "war powers" of the government, yet sufficiently so, probably, to enable the country to anticípate the result now. It is a legitímate, proper and just tax and ought to stand. L'nder it "superfluity instead of necessity should be made to pay" and this is as it should be. Rev. Parkhurst is not lessening his grip on the Lexow committee and the fact seems to have cast a shadow over the faces of those on the committee who fear the results ot farther exposure as it is getting into the heart of the republican camp. It is to be hoped in the interest of good government that there shall be no stop now. Lexow and the republican members ought not to grow so suddenly cold in their zeal, as they approach their own camp or it will yet prove necessary to investígate the Lexow itself. That the aristocracy of wealth is not an infallible source of culture, nor prima facie evidence of a comprehension higher than the proprieties of etiquette, is most glaringly displayed in the report of a fancy dress ball in London, as given by a social star in easterh circles: "The greatest success at this ball," says the innocent dame, "was Secretary Roosevelt, of the United States embassy, and he appeared in the garbage of a monk." The Kvening Newssays: "If Olds wins this time, the most experienced man of the three candidates will be the senator. Incidentally, the least wealthy of the trio will be successful." Whether Caesar, Cy. orSky. wins will matter little to the Argus. Either would be an improvement ón the others. Last Wednesday evening Hon. John Donovan, of Bay, made an address to the assembled teachers of Michigan, at Lansing. The ef; fort was bright, witty and able. The ; Michigan democracy will have no cause to be ashamed of its represen tative in the legislature.


Ann Arbor Argus
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