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WANTEP, FOR SALE, ETC. F OH SALE- 4 houses; one for $4,000, oue for $2,800; 18 IngaUfl st.,K!,óO0; new hriok house Ï2.450; lot with collar on S. Thayer, $1.260. Inluire S D. Alien, SKI E. Washington st. FOK KALE- Clioap, two base burners, one range, two student tables, two rockers and oni' bookshelf . 3f S. División st. tf FOK RENT- A suite oí (bree ploasant, well lighted furnishcd rooms, for light housekeeping; one block trom postoftice. Enquire this office. POULTRV wanted- market price paid tor ;l11 kinds of l'oultry, at the corner of Fifth and Summlt Streets. C. C. Weeks & Oo.. Arm Arbor. ?OJi SALE OR EXUHANGE.- A farra of 40 ' acres, situated in Ledi, for sale or will e.chanjre lor liouse and lot in Ann Arbor. Knquire of W. Osius, box 1551. 12-21-3t L OK SALE- Two new milch cows for sale. 1 D. E. Hoey, V2 miie south ot' Dexter. FOR SALE- A good milch cow. 4 yearsold: also a íiood drivint? horse. Enquire at Xo. 7 Kountaiii st. 12-14 3t FOR SALE- Five aeres on West Hu ron street. Good house, barn, orchard. Beautiful loeation. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to or address E. D. Davia, West lluron street, Ann Arbor, Michiuan. 7tf FOR SALE OR EENT.-Large new oouse with all modern improvements, ci.stern and city water in house and well near door. Will takelu partpaymentsuiall house or lots orsmall farm near city, balance on lonj? time and low interest. P.C. Box 1846: IJ'OK SALE.- 30 ucreson Chubb St. in icre or five acre lots or all togethev. Long time, sniall payment, 6 per cent interest. Jas. H. McDonuKI, 42 MotTat Building, Detroit, Micli. FOR SALE- Farms in the townships of Superior, Northfield, Dexter and Bharon. Will sell at low priees, and on easy terms of payment. For particulars, inquiro of H. M. Woods, No. 88 S. Main street, Ann Arbor. SITIJATION WANTED-By young lady to do house yrork. Addrcsa E.C.T., Box 1SS2.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News