WANTED, FOR [SALE, ETC. XrOTICE- T, J. W. Bennett, proprietor of x' Doxter House, Dexter, have opened up my barn and will run astrlctly feeo bain in connection with hotel. Will bc gl:ii to see old eustomi'is and lots of new ones, aun satisfat'tion guaranteed. Au rxpe.rienoeu horseinan in attendance. f' PIANO TUNING.-A. D. Brown, the wel known piano tuner with C. J.Whitney, wili be in the city soon. Orders left at the Aroui office will receive his attention. T O KENT.- At No. 30 S. State St. A Uat of six rooms. Enquire at lö ti. State St. ffltt WILL EXCHANGE a Hrst-cliiss substantial, roomy, open, single buggy for hay, wiwi ot oash. A. M. Clark il División st. W ANTEO- A MAN in every seotioD atonci to sell.slapleROods to doalei; no peartlint;; experience unuecessaiy ; bostside line. $75.00 a month. Salarynnd expenso orlargí eommission made. Addross, with '1 stamp for seak'd particulars, Clifton Soapand Manufactuiiiiff Company, OinClonbti, Ohio. WANTED.- Place Ot fiveorten acres wita house and barn, one or two miles from from Aun Arbor city. Hox :-S10. Manchester. Mich. WANTED. - (iood tenant for very nice Wore on Liborty si., near State. Ternis reasouable. Also liats to reut, very desirable. Bnquire 1H öouth Stalt1 st. WANTED. Hickory - Timber ! I will pay $12.00 per cord. cash, for strictly tirst quality second growtli Hickory Butts. suitablefor Axe-Handles, delivered at iny shop. C. W. DICKINSON, Yysilanti. 18-14 :i m
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News