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Argus Auguries

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Fbiday, Dbc 88- Annuiil election of K. O. 'I" M. officers. FiijDAY. Deo. 28 - S. C. A. A. social in Newberry hall for those studente remaining in the city duriiifï vacatiou. Tpksday, Jan. 1- Fnstallation of oflieers ol' i he G. A. E. and Woma'u Relief Corps. Saturday, Jan. &- Special Civil Service examination in Aan Arbor High School. Monday, Jan. 7- Animal meeting of Firet Methodist church in ehiirch parlors lor election of trustee, etc. Monday, Jan. 7- Frederiek C. Lee. in Inland reague course: subject, "The Lac'y or the Tiger." Wednesday, JaD. 9- Fred Emerson Brooks, the California poet, in the S. l,. A. course. Wednesday. Jan. 9- Fred Emerson Brooks, the California poet, In the S. L. A. course. i'iiiDAY, Jan. 11- Second number of ('horal Onion series. Piano recital bv Prof. Alherto Jonas. Satdhday, Jan. 12 -Uenelit concert for Dnlversity Athletic Assoeiution by Glee and Banjo clubs. Thurkday, Jan. 17- Senior Lil Social in (iranger's hall. Fkiday, Jan. 18- Social glveñ by Choral Union Social club in Krieze M-morial hall. Monday. Jan. UI- Rev. Reed Staart, of DeIrolt, will lecture in l'nity Club course.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News