Local Brevities
Arbor tent, K. O. T. M , elects officers toniglit. J. H. Trojanowski is in his new quarters on State street. The Gesang Verein Lyra is likely to give a concert in January. John Alfreds in a dispute with a bicycle, Tuesday, scored a sprained wrist. The Ancient Order of Hibernians may give an entertainment in February. The Wolverine Cyclers' Club will give a New Vear's hop at Light Infantry hall next Monday evening. The next lecture n the Unity club course will occur January ai. Reed Stuart, of Detroit, will be the peaker. A Christmas tree and conundrum ntertainment at the Second Bapist church made a lively and pleasnt evening. Miss Clara Feiner, who is teachng in Delhi, gave her school a rand Christmas tree entertainment 'Viday evening. Mrs. David Godfrey, an aged lady f VV. Huron street, last Friday surered a fall by which she received a racture of the hip. The Hammond Beef Co. refrigertor near the Michigan Central 'reight house is enclosed. It is a wo-story building 28x50 and of two arload capacity. The barn of David Kingsley, of alem, burned Saturday, together with a considerable quantity of hay. o insurance. The loss is considrable, reaching probably $700. The Stabler & Co. delivery team ook a spin Wednesday morning on ïeir own account. A post stopped ie race, one of the horses being irown and receiving some cuts. Mrs. Christian Wetzel, who reïded at the corner of Liberty and . First streets, died Tuesday night. Mr. Wetzel's death occurred a few weeks ago, and it is said that Mrs. Vetzel's is the fourth death in the amily within the past eighteen months. The number of registered packges received at and sent from the nn Arbor post-office during the wo days' preceding Christmas, this rear, was the largest in the history f the office. Over ioo special devery stamps wer8 also sold during he same time. The project of building a new pera house has not yet been given p, it is said, and it is further stated hat plans have been drawn for a juilding 75x132 feet, the front to je occupied by three stores and a ïallway with the opera house at the ear, the building to cost $20,000. At the end of a column of chower, in Sunday's Detroit Tribune, nd dated at Ann Arbor, are atached the following characters: AU4irdk.rsdByrüuhgw...Hr?id4'e.," which an expert cryptologist ïas interpreted to mean: "1 am so runk that my back teeth are all float.:' This is the way it affected the Vpilanti editor of the Daily Times: 'Nelson Franklin for a second time mbibed too much of his ancestor's amous electric Huid and Justice Childs read him the exodus act, whereby he is to erace the name of Ypsilanti as a place of abode from he tablets of his memory." Among the hospital patients are 13 children, who Monday morning were assembled in the amphitheater and treated to the feast of a Christmas tree. The Fruit and Flower lission arranged the pleasing affair which was carried out under the management of Miss Jean M. Cooke, a senior medical student from Kalamazoo. The colored K. of P. of Ypsilanti gave a masked ball, Christmas night, which was participated in by ahout 40 couples, with a large spectatorial attendance. Mr. Williams masqueraded so well as a Dutchman that everybody, even the judges, mistook him for one and he narrowly escaped missing the prize. Miss Allie De Haven captured the ladies' prize, by wearing a dress that disjuised her as an old auntie. The Christmas dinner at the Cook house was one of uncotnmon elegance. Many rare dishes were served, including doniestic and wild raeats, venison not omitted. The menu was elaborated from the choicest materials and served with the highest skill of the culinarv art. The fare bilis, which were of a new and curious pattern and of expensive quality, were admired by the guests and carried away as souvenirs. The tables were filled, among the guests being a large number of Ann Arbor people. i Christmas at the Cook house was an occasion to be pleasantly recalled by the large company present. Civil service examination, Januarv 5. Mercury last night dropped to three below zero. Grand Lodge, F. & A. M., meets in Detroit, Jan. 22. Welen Post and W. R. C. officers will be installed New Year's, in the evening. The new city directory of Ann Arbor and Vpsilanti is nearly ready for delivery. It is alleged that the board of public works will order meters for the sewer gas. John Andrés now owns the north side property where he resides. Consideration, $5,000. The marrtage of Miss Anna C. Dexter and Lewis A. Grey oceurred at Ypsilanti, Tuesday. The first annual meeting of the MichiganAcademy of Sciences began its session VVednesday at Lansing. VV. J. Beal, of the Agricultural College, is president. The large barn of Fred Foster, of Ypsilanti, burned Thursday morn ing. A buil valued at $300 perished. The barn lately cost $3,800 and was insured for $2,000. A captain, first lieutenant and second lieutenant and a board of directors will be elected by the A. A. L. I. next Wednesday evening. Members appear in "fatigue" at 8 sharp. Monday last, the Ann Arbor Oran company shipped six organs to London, Eng., to the address of Henry Kline & Co.. wholesale agents for their organs in Great Britain. When the board of public works locked itself in the marshal's office, to escape a Times reporter, the members forgot to provide themselves with a squirtgun and peppersauce. The Times Mephisto intimates that he "peeked." The Ann Arbor Light Infantry have decided on the date of their entertainment and have fixed it for February 12, at the Grand opera house. It will consist of a variety of entertaining features, with a fullsized minstrel show in the foreground. There will be fun galore, and may you be there to witness it. Saturday night a two-story frame building owned by Capt. James Parshall, on the Geddes road, and used as a peach packing house, was burned. It contained 700 bushei baskets, a lot of step ladders, some wagons, cultivators, etc. The loss was about $500. The insurance was about $100. The policy, with other papers in Mr. Parshall's desk, was burned. Origin of the fire not known, but supposed to have resulted from some smoker, probably a tramp.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Christian Wetzel
Agatha Wetzel