Mid-holiday Sale
Cold weather at ast ín witli us. lieminds us tliat i ' "Michigan Winter" is no joke after all. The mild weather kept you from btiying Blankets. Thought yon would uot need them. Changed yonr mimi the last few davs. And now that vou want BLANKETS AND C0MF0RTABLES, And want tliem badly, we otter our entire stock of tliein ut a reduction of from 25 per cent. to 33J per cent. from our regular prioes. See the samples and note the prices in our soiith window. All our stock of cloaksaNpfUrsí At a reduction. This year's goode all oíi', and last vvar's stock at vour own pri-. 20 MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR.
Ann Arbor Argus
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