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MAKY F. MILEY, Dealer in FANOY GOODS AFINE MILLINERY Art Embroldery and Stamping ngicouted wiiii neatnesB, taste and deUoaoy. 'fheT""imrsl liiiicy (ióods "ln"TiTíínory. MÏa" Mabel l orson, a lushiontible trimmer, of acknowledged -kll uiid famillarty with the hitest and most apprvoed modes, Is with Miss Miley. ROOMS: 2O E. WASHINGTON ST., Aun Arbor. - - Michigan. New Fiirnitiire Store UM? BROTHERS, DB ILKRS IN FüPi)illipe and Uphoisterii)g Fine Eine, of Fnrniture in New Designs. New Patterns in Bedroom Suites rever Show 11 He re Bef ore Special attention to Fine Upholsteiv, uu] Repairing of ill kinds. 57 South Main Street. Edward Camp. Xokman Camp. Pensions! [f jrou wanl a Pension, or re-ratlng, or any uuestioii an-wcr 'I In IVn-ionor 1'atent uhssk write J. I,. STAItKWEATMEK. Ationi.N liomto, MIcb, Mr. StarkwcHiher securod over ten pei' n'iii . of all origin! IVniioiiH illowed In Miuliiira for the moiith of Aiiifiir, 18'.); MC] iillowud. Detroit Press. E. N. pÍLpiEZ, V iolinist PUPIL OF BAURKT After tbree yoare' studj at the "Stern COnservatory." Be li. Bertaany, ander emlnem tejurlterM in Sol , Kncïiible, ana Ttieorv: ;ilso onder profeisor of tlir "Herlin Hifth Öchool" is nov prepfritk] to take jjupiN at tii rooms In the Ann Arbor Oriïan Company'a Building1 Cor. M8in and Liberty Sta., Ann Arbor. 0TTerma made Icnown onauulicatioD.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News