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Populist National Committee

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St. LOUIS. Mo., Doe. 07.- To decide upon a plan of education for tho presidcntiul oampaign of 1896 and to seleut a place for holding the niitional convention of the party will be tho two niain topics of discussinn by the national committee of the Populist party, which will assemblo tomorrow for a two days conference. There are thrco committeenien from each state and they, with a number of prominent visitors intcrestod in the Populist party who are expected to be present, will, it is estimated, numlier between 200 and 3U0. A strenuous effort will be made by the Populista in St. Louis to induce the oommitteo to select St. Louis as the place for holding the national convention in 1891). Among those who are certainly expected to be on hand are Chairmau Taubeneck; ignatius Donnelly, of Minneapolis; exGovernor Pennoyer, of Oregon; Hun. Lafe Pence, congressman from Colorado; Jerry Simpson, of Kansas; United Statos Senator Stewart, of Nevada; General J. B. Weaver. of Iowa, and Hon. W. J. Bryan, of Omaha.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News