Cockran Will Not Attend
Washington. Dec. ÍÍ7. - Represe uta ti ve Bourke Cockran, of New York, will not attend the meeting of the executive committee of Tammany Hnll next Satyirday. Tliis nieetiug, oalled by John .T. Martin imraediately fellowing th bitter personal arraipnment of Otan by cx-Chicf CroUer.has been re nnleU as a means of bi-ingi 1 1 ir t h !■ iwo 1;;cl' ro face. Cockran h;is not yct reccived any notice of the mctinir, although Martin snys tho notice li-is been forwariled. But in my cvont Coikran has no present inceution of attending. Ho has not attendod a meeting in two ycars.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News