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WALL PAPER: WALL PAPER. OF ALL The Newest Designs. PRICES THE LOWEST AT OSCAU 0. $0RG THE DECOEATOR, 7O S. ]VT.IISr Sï. Fruit Trees! lf you intond to setoul Peach. Pear, Apple t Fruit Trees of atiy kind. vuu will fave nioney by writhiK to the MICHIGAN NURSERY CO MONROE, MICH. Thoy have the betrt atul hardiest var.etios for llus part of the countiy. Small Fruits of Alt Kinds, and a. lárice assorcmont of the best anri hardiest. Koses, ShnilvbOry and OrnimienlHl Tre-s ;nid t'hinis. THE ART AMATEUR Best and Largest Practical Art Magazine. (The ouly Art Poiïoüical awurded a Meditl ;it tho World's Fair.) InvaluahU to all uho wish to nutke theiv living hii art or to make their homes hmutiful Fnp 1Of we wiil send to any "e f TUI I Ul luentioiiiuK 'liis 11] tion a specimen copy. with supeib iLW V color pintes (foroopyiDg or ïraming) and 8supplementary paKcwof dtsiffiisd'egrulnr price :ifc). Or FOK sc wíí wiil send alsi "JPalntlujc for Beginners" i) pagel HOMTAG('E HKKH, 23 Viiiou Square. ?.V. M ELECTRÍG TELEPHOWE P-jIrfl Sold ontriht, 110 ront, nu ioyalty. Adaj ■ t - Li' to Oity, TiUaise or Country. ..-i-dnd in evvt í L-fflicfai! home, shop, tt ore and office. Cl reu' est conven - J.2S? ience and bwt 8Ol!er on orh. (t AC"titiBMtUeliOinS5l8S0 per !■. U La! One in ;i residence meanu wiletofl i CJT_ ueighbors. Imup nMtrumfinte, no toys, voii A nnywhero. i,ny tii-taïicc. (Jnmpletv. remh 'm j-T luw whon BÏiipied. Cru ha pat npby itj - i V 1 . neverontof order, o rftrp'rïna, ' ■-'- i 11 I time. W.-irnuited. A money rn ''r. Wnte - - P. Harrison & Co . ClqrK tO. Columbus. 0 __ - ; ; M II S 11 i O - pi' L m W P s K 9 S B li 8 ■:! S il 4 l;1 IÍ Í I I il 5 - =i g i s r -i a (H n g S 111 1 9 s 1 ! . !


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