Catarrh Is Caused By Impure Blood
Hood's Sarsaparilla Makes Pure Blood And Permanently Cures Catarrh. ) Mr. 7. -M". Cántate Patton, UI. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: " Gentlemen : - I am very happy to write to you that I have boen taking Hood's Sarsaparilla for catarrh with great success. I bare been troubled with this complalnt for yer ten years, with dull lieadache nearly all the time. Alter taking three bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla, I am cured of catarrh and clear of the hendadle. I was also troubled with a scalp dlpease, whicli was very Hood'ssïCures aunoying, four or five years. Since taking llood's Sarsaparilla I do not have any trace of this trouble. I sleep wel], have a good appetite and feel strong, quite in contrast to my feeline before I began to take this good medicino. J. M. Caknahan, Patton, 111. Hood'S Pilis are prompt and efficiënt, yet easy in action. Sold by all druggista. 25c
Ann Arbor Argus
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