Dawson's Narrow Escape
Bailey Dawsori was in dangcr of beiug expelled from the Society of Christian Reposo. Tlie ohjoct of tbe society, as its name indicates, is to discourage eudeavor of any oharacter, and its members, who compriso such well known oíd residents as Golonel A. M. Babcock, A. N. Kellogg, fouuder of the nuwspaper pnblishiiig concern; Frank Parmelee of the bus line, and others, are men who think they have done their work iu life and now only ask for rest. They meet at the Grand Pacific hotel and do iiot even talk rnuoh, preferring to sit in the easy chairs in the rotunda and look at each other. Bnt last week Colonel Babcock brought a serious charge against Bailuy. He said ho had gone to work; what is more, he had the evidence to prove it. Things looked really badly for Bailey. The work was no harder than tha' involved in drawing the pay attached to a political office, bnt it was work, and he conld not deny it. So he took refuge in technicalities. Mr. Kellogg was trying the case, and to him Bailey made this plea: "If it pleases the court, " he said "the members of this society must no do any work of auy kind?" "They must not," replied Colone Babcock sternly. "They should not indulge in any kind of effort?' ' "Certainly not," again interjected the colonel. ' 'They cannot consistently take action of any doscription?" "They assuredly cannot. " "Then, " said Bailey triumphantly "I would like to know how they ar going to expel a member; that mean aotion. " And President Kellogg sns tained him, holding that it wonld be impossible constitutionally to even tak
Ann Arbor Argus
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