What To Do With One's Money
A woiiian who probably voices tho qwstion of a great niany otlior women writes to ask how she sfaall invost her savin:s. Sha is a workiug woman vho has aocumolated a suiall sum, wbloh she naturally wishes to use in accunmlatiu& more. The ainount she has saved is not large eiiough for her to invest in real estáte or in auy large enterpriae. Abont two years ago this same questiou was aafced, and we put the problem before the leading business nion and financiers. They answered the question unanimously. They advooated the saviug of the money in savings banks at a smal! rato of interest until Buch time as there should be sufficient aioney to invest iu a good first mortgage or in desirable real estáte. The reason for this decisión was that women are seldoni fltted by edneation and training to take part wisely in ventures. They are likely to be the. prey of designing speoulators. They are almost invariably inoapable of takingeare of themselves properly in any sort of speculative sóbeme. The savings banks offer a secnro place for dupositing rnoney, and the income from tliem, while sniall, is certain. Four per cent, assured and safe, is hetter for niost womeu than larger profits íind greater risks. Wlieu the sniall suni has grown to be a'considerable one, "first" mortgages on good property form an admirable investment for woinen's savings. They yield an incomo ef about 6 per cent in most states and are abont as safe as saving banks. Laúd has an agrecable qnality of remaiuing where it is, and irnprovements ou laúd whcn mortgaged are always insured, so that there is little dauger of loss to the bolder of a first mortgage. By a first íuortgage is meant the onowhich, in case of í'ailnreof the owner of the property to pay the interest or the aiuoiiiit of the loan in due time, will be paid first. Investment in real estáte is not so satdöfaotory. Property in places where the valúe of laiid is not liable to be diraiDished costs a good deal, in the first placa Tben tliere are taxes, insurance and constant repairs to decreaso the prolits. Still land bas an advantage of othar investments in its comparative
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News