The Captain Is Content
A pretty boat is (he Minuie Washburn - that is to say, she is pretty as canalboats go. ïo a sailoriiiau on the raging canal sha i a thing of beauty and natnrally a joy íorever. And a pretty cook had tho Minnie. She was chamberniaid and wife to the Bldpper bold as well as cook. .Tennio was her name, Jenuin Ash, and her husband is Captain Robert And a handsome steersnian bad the Minnie. Ho was James Finn, a "high flier, " too, anioug canalers. But tho Minnie has a niw cook and n nevv stecrsmiin now The oíd ones dosertetl her. ïhe captain shipped Finn in Bnffalo to steer the whuat ladon Minnie to New York Qti ar termas ter Finn was fond of feriialë society, aud the dark eyed wife of the captain attracted hiin. "She seemerl perticlar fond o' ! ira," said the captain as hesat ou t'ui promenade deck of tho bopt and pulled "black line" through a short black pipe just li!;o a sea sa!t. "bnt I didn'tthink uothin uv that. Br.t when we nove int' Littlé Palls, shappror me sha'd if I didn't ketch i ,! gin 'er. Dut &hv turned it off kiud a carelesslike, au I i t il go at tlir.:. " Whei) thu Minnie roarhed West Troy Satarday afternoon, the captain weat ashoro to transact some business. When he retnrned a conple of hours later, his consort was gone. So was his steersruan. And ro %vere 125 hard earned dollars whichhad teenkeptin a bureau drawer. Thon tho captain learned more. "I used t' sleep f rom one bell in the early mornin till eight bells, au he'd sail 'er. Bust me bricks if she didD't keep hiru fod 011 swagger lunches al! the time I was sleepiu. But she'sgone, and the Mümie's got to have another cook. Say, d'ye know where I can git one? "Aid I goin t' chase her? Waal, I reckon not. Some o' the money was hern, and if she líkes hirn better'n she did me, why, let 'er stay with 'irr. I
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News