Mortgage Sale on Foreclosure. N0T1CB IS IIKKKliY GIVBN THAI' ÜV vlrtue of power of sale oontalned In i oertaln Indentnre r mortgage, bearing late the 16th day of July 174. made b Samnel Seney, Uien ol the '"tty and fomilv ui Jaokson and state f Michigan, of the fint lart, to John 3. Hurd. of the samo pluoe, of he socond part, whlch sakï mortgage was tvxrded In the offioe of the Register of Ueeas 'or Washtenaw oounty, Michigan, on the l'tli iay ui Jcily. 174. in Uber 32 of Mortgages i u ni zr '.'i ■, :i ml was theieaftei ty deed oi aaslgniicii! hraiirff date the l;tth day of December, 1888. iiuly aaslgned to I.. 0. Hurcl and Frank 1,. Sinith, executors of the last wlll and testnment of 9ald John 8. Muid, then decoased, to Patton Mornsoïi, )f the city and county of Jai'kson and state of Mlohigan, which satd MBlgnment as duly recorded on the lsth day if Jauuary, 1884, in the olh'ce of the Heelster )t Deedfl tor Washtenaw county aforesaid, in llber B of Asslgnments of Mortgages, on page lst, whioh suiil moftgarc was thereafter tluly a88lgned by (. H. Ityine, exevutor of the last wlll and testament of caiii Patton M rrlson, by decti of asslffnmem dated September l. 18S, and racorded In the Kegtster's Olllee for nata Washtenaw oounty, in llber Hof Assík - nients of Hortgajtes u pase 4S3 on September 1, 1888, the aaidpowei it sale of Bafd mortEftfie having become operatlre by roason of default haring been made 'n the condltlona of said mortgage, the same wlll be foreclosed by s.ilo of the mortgafred premlses thereln deaertbed, or so much of them as shall be neoessary to satlsfy the amount due on gaid mortcage at the date bereof, totrether wlth Interest, oosts and expenses of sale allowed by luw. The amount olalmed to bé due on suirl mortgage at the date of this nol ico is the sum of nlne thousand elght hundred nlnetysevenaiid2T-UK)iioilui'!i. aid sale wlll be held and made at the front door of hv Oonri House in the City of Ann Arbor, In saM couDty of Washtenaw (thai belng the plaoe where the circuit conri rorsald county is held) on the Blxteeutb day of February, 18U6, at eleven o'clock in the lorenoon. The premises so to he offered for sale are dlscrlbed in snid mort íííilic aí follows, to-wit: All thoee certaln pieoesor psrools of land sitúate in the town of Lima in the county of Washienaw and state of Michigan, and described is follows, to-wit: The southwest. quarter of seetlon seventeen; the south titty aeres from olT the ast Imlf of the northeast iuarter of seetlon number ninetèen, with the rlght of way; and the east half of the nortli west (iiar ter of section seventeen, and tho eoutheast nuartcr of the southwust quar ter of section aumber elght, all In town two south of ranre fon r east. reserving: from the Qrst aboye deeribeil pieoe, one acre on the easterly part thereof, whioh lies south of the road - In all three hundred and i wentysnlne aeres of land. Dated, this 80th dav of Noveuiber. ls'i4. HAHHIKT MORBI8ON. ïssignee of Mortgaxe. BARKWOHTH & itl.AIH. Attorneys for Assignee. Mortgage Sale. W HE REAS DEFAULT HAS HEEN MADE in the terms of payment ota certain ' morttrw f-'ivrn on tin: slxteenth d&y of April i A. i). l&ti, by John N. Hum and Blmira v. i Hunt, lus wlfe, of Brldgewa'.er, Washteoaw (Jounly, Michigan, (,o Juiikn Kehoe, of the ' sume plaoe, whloh mortgage 18 or reoordln ' the Résister f Deeds office for s üd Uounty of Washtenaw, In líber tu. on page 280, on the eljshtecnih day of April. A. I). 1893. And whereas tbc amount dainied to bo due ■ (ui saiti mortgage ai the date hereot Is the sum of six hnndred elghty-nlne and iu-kiu dollar of principal and Interest, and ttefurther sum of twenty-flve dollars as an atiorney feestlpulatedlorln said mortgage, and whlon , is tue wholc ainount cluimed to be due upon said mortgage, and no suit or proceedings haring been instituted to reoover tho debt , Becured by aid mortgage or any part thereof whereby the power of eiilu in said mortgage has beoome operatlv.e. , Now, theretore. notice ie hcreby tilven that by virtue of said power of sale and In pursuance of the statuto In Bucta case made and provided, ihesald mortgaite will be toreolosed by a sale of the premisos thereln described at public auotlOD to the hlsbest bulder at the lioiit door of tue oourt houte. in tho city of Anu Arbor, n said cojiit' "f ahtenaw, on the twi-ntytlilrd day of Fcbruary next at iinr o'olooK In tlte aftetnoou of that day; whloh said premi ee are described in paid mortgage as follows: belng in the township of Brldarewater, Washtenaw co.inty. Mlohlgan, and Ix'inji the east half of the casi hall of the south wem nuarter of seeiion twentyB6T6n, In town tour soutn of ranjie l'our east. and contalnlng tort y acres -l land. Dated December 5, lt-94. JAMES KEHOE. WAL'KRC. BÜRRIDGB. MortgaeeAttorney tor Mortg-agee, hstate ot Peter D. WoodrufT. TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY 1 of Wasliteoiiw .es. At a uet-sion of the Probntt Comt lor the Couiity of Wanhtenaw, holden at the Proh:tte Oflice in the citv of Ann Arbor, O' Tïiursdny, the 'lst day ol Docember, in the year on1 iliousand eipht hundreii and niuetj-four. Present, .ï. Willard üuhbitt, .ludge ol' probate 1 ii the matter oi the ealate of Peter D. Woodruff, deceased. On readingand filingthe petitionduiy verifled, of Eudoia li. Merrill, praying that thiö courtadjudicate nd determine who are uud were at the time of his decease the heirs at Uw of aaid deceased.and their several shres aud portions íd his estáte. Thereupon it is ordcred, that Monday, tbe 21st day of January next, at ten o'clock in the ((►renoon, be aasifrued for tbe hearinp of aaid petition, and that the heirs at law of said rieceus-d, and uil other personu interested in aaidtstate, are rtquired to appear at a Hesion of aaid court, then to be holden at the Probate Office i o the city of Add Arbor, and show cause, ïf any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should nol be granted: And it is furtherordered, that sald petitioner Kve notice to the perrons interest cd in said estáte, ol the (pt-ndencyof saiö petition, aud the hearing thereof, bycausjng a copy of this order to be published in tbe Ann Akbor Arous, a newsDapcr printfdand circnluted in said county, three auccessive weeks previous to said day óf hearing. J. WILLARD ÜABBITT, (A truecopy) Judgcot t'rohate Wtlliah G.Doty. Probate Retrister. Estáte of Daniel Donovan. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Wiishtcnnw, as. Atasession ot tlie Pro. ate Court mr ihe county of Washtenaw, holden t the Probate Office in thf city of Aun Arbor. on aturday, the "id day of December, in ihe year ne thounand eiffbt hundred and uinety-four. Fretsent, J. Wilkird liabbitt, Judge of Probate. In the niatu-r of the estáte ol' Daniel Donovan, eoeased. On readiug and filing the petition. duly verilfdof Mary E. Donovan, praying that the adininslr.itkm of said estáte may begrautei te herselt r srui" otber Buit&ble person. Thereupon it is oulered, thnt Monday, the lst day of Januarj next, at len o'clock iu the orenoon, be aasigned for the hearing of said petiion and that tbe heirs at lawcfaaid deceased, nd uü otber pereouB interested Id said osat e are required to uppc-ur ;it a sessiou o( said ourt,then to be holden a t theProBute Office in he city of Aun Arbor, and show canse f any there be, why the piaycr of the petitioner hould not be graoted: And it is further 01deredtbat said petitioner tfive notice tothe persona nterested in said estáte of the pcudency ot asid .ei ilion a nd Un hearing theteof by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Ahdoe ArGus, a newspaper printeJ and eirculaU'd in aid county, threeauccesaive weekp previous to said day of hearing. .1. WILI.ABD BABBITT, A truc copy.l Judge of Probate Wiw. G. Doty. Probate Eeiíister. Estáte of Augustus W. Fellows. CTATB OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF ro Washtenaw, ss. Ata session of the Prohato Court lor the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the Citv of Ann Arbor, on Thursday.the l'tli day of December, n the year one thousand elght hundred and ninety-four. Present, J.Willard Babbitt, JudKO of Proln the matter of the estáte of Augustus W. Fellows. Incompetent. Mary iellowe. the fwriJian of sa'd ward, Haring resigned her t rust as such guardián, comes into court and representa tlratshe is now prepared to render fier final account aa such guftrdl&D, Thereupon it is ordored that Friday, the 18th day of January next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, bo assigned for examiDing and allowing such account, and that the next of kin of said ward, and all otlier persons interested in said estáte, are reuuired to appear at a session of eaid Court, then be to holden at the Probate OIHce, in the City ot' Ann Arbor, In said County, and show cause, lf any there be wh.r the said account should not be allowed'. And it is further ordered that said guardián give notice to the persons interested ín said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, two succe6sive weeks previous to said day of hearJ. WILLARD BABBITT, Judge of Probate . IA true copy.l Wm.G. Doty. Probate Reiflster.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News