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The Baconian Cipher Writings

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Book IV, of Sir Francis Bacon 's cipher writings, discovered and deciphered by Dr. Orville W. Owen, of Detroit, and issued by the Howard Publishing Company, is now ready. The Argus acknowledges receipt of a copy. The following announcement is made: The delay in issuing this book has been caused by unexpected disclosures as the work has progressed, and from illness and needed vacations of those engaged upon it. Separate branches were assigned to different persons to translate, with the expectation that the sections would join within the limits of one j book. This has not been the case, however, the sections proving so extended that while completing this i book, the larger portion of the Í I ter for Book V'. and a part of Book ! VI. has also been translated and ! made nearly ready for the printer. To the amazement of all concerned on the work, one branch developed a play in five acts (complete in Book IV.), "The Tragedy of Mary Queen of Scots," which for sustained force and dramatic power is not excelled in the language. It details the trial and beheading of the unfortunate queen, and discloses what the later historians have been led to believe was the truth, that the warrant for Mary's death was a forgery, signed by the queen 's secretary, Davison, at the instigation of Leicester and Burleigh, without the knowledge of Elizabeth, and for ' which Davison was afterwards imprisoned. Book V. will continue! Bacon's life in France, including the account of his romantic attachment for Queen Margaret, which formed the theme for the play of "Romeo and Juliet." This will be followed by another play in five acts, "The Tragedy of My Brother, Essex," disclosing that Essex was the younger son of the queen and brother of Francis Bacon, and throwing a new light upon the career of that remarkable character, and also upon Bacon's connection with his life and downfall. The prologue to this play, as deciphered, announces that a comedy will follow, in which will appear the characters which Bacon used as his masks. This has not yet been reached in the deciphering, but the key words have been disclosed, and the work of translation will shortly be entered npon. Paper covers, 50c; cloth, 75c; extra "library," $r. 00. Also Bqoks I. and IL, and III. and IV., bound together (each 400 pages), in paper, $1.00; extra "library," $2. Mailed postpaid on receipt of price, by the Howard Pubhshing Company.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News