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$10 A Day, Easy

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I saw that the telephone patent had expired and I thought what a great seller it would be at a low price. I saw the advertisement of W. P. Harrison & Co., Columbus, Ohio, in your paper. They had just what I wanted - a telephone just like the rich city business men have, and I have been selling them for two months and have made as high as $50 per day when I took a large contract, and never less than $5 a day, selling the telephones. I sell them outright, there is no rent, no royalty. Everybody wants them. Anyone can put them up, and I be lieve they are the greatest convenience and the best seller on earth. Anyone can make big money who can sell goods at all. So many young men are out of employment now, I feel it ray duty to bring my experience before the world, so that this winter, with times as hard as they may be, money can be made by those who are now soredistressed. Write to the above firm for circulars.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News