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Il FOR i Prvi5i1 Baking I I ïïjy dl Powder 1 IP) ECAUSE inferior and cheaper made preparations are LJ sold at wholesale at a price so much lower than Royai., some $5 grocers are urging consumers to buy them in place of the Royal P at the same re tai l price. s; If you desire to try any of the pretended substitutes for Royal BjL Baking Powder bear in mind that they are all made from cheaper yx and inferior ingredients, and are not so great in leavening strength ög ga nor of equal money value. Pay the price of the Royal Baking j$r 2j Powdp;r for the Royal only. f LIt is still more important, however, that Royal Baking Powder $& is purer and more wholesome and makes ketter, finer, and more healthful food than any other baking powder or preparation. % a ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., NEW-VORK. v'v


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