A Wonderful Light
i he dea ot an eleotnc lighf which. fed by a currcut from a aynamo a::tn;ted by a 40 horsepower ensrine aun giv iug ?,000 candle power, ;ar. nave it? ;; luinnating power intensified 35,000 times is not easy to giasp It means the projection of a stream ;f hgbt of ívbont 250.000,000 candie powef, and n is nc wouder that the announceinenf cha' such a hght ís about te oe nsed tn this conntry has boen rexseived with home incredulity ir, Europp Yet tlv.s :? tne efficiency of the hgbt which wil) be shortly erected at island for he illutnination of thp adjacent coat nd the proteoHon of the fleet of Bhíps 'jntering New York iiarbor A remote suggetion of the power of this latnp may be arrived at by brariT5g in mind that a:; ordiiiary oil lamp ií about 8S or 40 candle power aad theu trying to imaginé ti:e combined beam of 3,000.000 arups. The ordiuary elec trio street light may be pntdowo at 100 candle power, and 350,000 of these would represent the strength of the Fire island light. The most powerful oil lamp vet made is supposed to shine out on aclearnight for a distance of 8-5 or 40 miles, but the new Hgbt will flash its welcome rays to the incoming European liners when they are 120 miles away. The light revolves rapidly and throwsout its beams with the intensityof gpeedof lightning. The motive power which actuates it ia a simple clockwork arrangement tained in a box 2 feet square, and although the revolving portion of the light weighs 15 tons the mechanism controlling it is so delicate that the pressure of two fingers will turn it. The value of this marvelous lamp . can only be determiued by practioal working, bnt it promises to represent an immense etride in tho scieuce of coast lighthousa ïllumination.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News