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Monocles In Europe

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In every capital of taropé the monocle is oommon enongh. It attracts no attention ou the streot. In a row of men at the theater a considerable proportion are sure to have it. Perhaps half the officersin the Germán arniy wear monocles. They are to be seen in abundaiice at any meeting of the French academy. Even socialist deputies in France are not ashamed to go among their constituents wearíng thein. A aession of the English house of commons glitters -with 8olitary eyeglasses. The single eyeglass is said to have originated among the officers of the British army. About the beginning of the centnry an order was issued that army officers should not wear eyeglasses or spectacles. It was supposed that they gave the wearers an unruilitary appearance. The order cansed severe inconvenience to many short sighted officers, and one of them, belonging to a craok regiment, invented the single eyeglass. Ho olaimed that, being an eyoglass, its nse was no contravention of the order whioh prohibited speotaoles and eyeglasses. It soon becaine very popular in the army and was af terward adopted. On account probably of this origin the single eyeglass is very generally worn in Europe by anny officers. It is by some thonght to give an aspect of determination and ferocity to the wearer, whereas eyeclasses lend an air of feebleness.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News