Stories Of Dr. Holmes
The story is reoalled of a yoiing Virginia coxintry giil dining in Boston sotne years ago, in the days when Dr. Holmes weut to diuners. Seated next to her was a homely, little old gentlemau whose name she did uot catch. He begau to talk with her and asked her how she passed her time in the country. "Oh, weread, my father and I!" she said. "And what do you read?" asked the little man. "Well, the 'Autocrat of the Breakfast Table' for one thing, " sho auswered. ' 'I shonld think you wonld not care toread that more than once," remarked the little old man with a sign of disappointment in his tones. "My father and I may uot be judges of literature, " said Miss Virginia airily and with a faint accent of scorn, "biit vhen we get to the end of the 'Autoorat' we generally turn back to the beginuinf; and reud it over again. " Thoittlo oíd m-ui smiled at this aud was dteprwjrt to lie frieudly, but Miss Virginia was so displeased with histone ooncerniug the "Autoorat" thatshe met him. witli ohiliy indifference. As soon as tho guests went iuto the drawiug rnom her hostess whispered reprnachfully to her: "You didu't seem to lind Dr. Holmes as interestiug as I hoped. " "Dr. Holmos!" shrieked Miss Virginia. There were a tableau and an explanation. Auother story of Holmes' wit is told. One day old Dr. Peabody was to meet him at a oertain place. The venerable professor rode in a carriage. When he got there, he was met by Holmes, who had walked. Near by was a statue of Burydice. And Holmes said: "Ah, you ride, I seel" "Capital, capital!" cried Peabody. That night he went back home and Raid to his wifp: ' 'Holmes got off a good joke today. ' ' His wife asked him what it was. "Why, I was to meet him down at tho status of Eurydice, and when I arrived, he said quite happily, 'Oh, yoa carne in a carriage!' " And then the genial professor wondered why his wife didn't laugh.
Ann Arbor Argus
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