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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. FOB SALE- 4houses: one for 4,000, one for Ï2.800; 18 Ingülls st, 2,500; new brick house 2,45U; lot with cellar on S. Thiiyer, $1,380. lnluire S 1). AUep, 90 E. Washington st. FOK RENT- A suite oi' tb ree pleasant, well LJghted furnished rooms, for lifjht bousekeepine: one block trom postoflice. Emiuire tbia office. LOR SALF,- Piano, cheap. inqnire at 29 V Hrooks street, Ann Arbor. ]-4-i5 FOK SALE- Two new milch COWS for sale. D. E. Hoey, W milesoutli of üexter. fOH SALE - A ;ooi milch eow, 4 yearsolü: Uso a sood dn ving horse. Enquire at No. T Foutitáln Bt. 12-14 31, FOR SALE- Five acres on West Huron Street. Good house, barn, orehard. 13eau;iful loeation. Will sell on easy terms. Apply ;o or address E. D. Davis, West Huron street, Inn Arbor, Michigan. Ttf FOR SALE C)R RBNT.- Large new ooase wlth all molern iniprovemunts, cistern ind iity water in house and well near door. iVill tiiko in part payraent small house or lots arsmall farm near city, balance on long time uid low interest. P. ( '. Hox 1345. ____ FOR SALE.-: aoreS'On Chubb St. in acre or five acre lots or UI together. Long :ime, small uayment, 6 percent interest. Jas. H. McDouiikl, ii MolT'at Building, lletroit, licli. FOR SALE- Farms n the townshipsof Superlor, Northlield, Dexter and Bharon. Will sell at low priees, and on easy terms of jaynienl. For particulars, Inquire of li. M. iVoods, No. 8S S. Main street. Ann Arbor. POl'LTRY wanted- matket prlce paid for all kinds of l'oultry, at the corner of Fifth ind Smmnltstreets. C. C. Weeks & ('o., Ann Vrbor. 11' ANTED- A tenant to work my farm on ' shares at Scio. (eo. A. Peters. NOTICE- 1, .1. W. bennett, proprletor of Dexter House, Dexter, have opened up -ny barn and will run astrictly first-class feed aarn in connection with hotel, will be glad ;o sec old custouiers and lots of new ones, and atlsfaction guaranteed. Au eporiincel lorseman in attendance. if


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News