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AHEAO OF ALL MAGAZINES (hiscounttry hos xeeit. - Albany Argus. in the ' North American Review are always found The Right Topics, By the Right Men, At the Right Time. The North American Review is recoguized on botli sides of the Atlantic as the foremost Review in the English language, and no expenditure is spared in maintaining it in its unrivalled position. The Rkvikw is the mouthpieee oí the men and womeu who know most about the great topics on which Ameiicans reqiilre and desiietobeinformed from moutli to niouth. lts list of contributors fornis a roll-of tlie representative men and wonien of the age. Subjects that concern the interest of AMERICAN WOMEN receive constant and special attention. Among topics recently discussed are: "Wómen Buffrage in Practdce"; 'The lienaisanceof Wotnan": "W6ma.n in Politics": The New Aspect of the Woman Questioo," and "The Modern Giil," bv tlieanthor of "The Heavenlj' Twins": "The Future of Ma iriagre"; "Evils of Early Marriages"; "The Servant Girl of the Future"; "The Financial Dependen ce of Women": "Trades-Unions for vomen"; "The Lack of Good Servante": "American Life and Physieal Deterioration" : 'Good and Bad Mothers": "The Tyranny of the Ritenen"; "The Amateur Nu rse"; MarkTwaln's Defense of Harriet Shelly etc , etc. A NEW FEATURE FOR 1895. The Keview will publish in 12 cbapters, beKlnning with the January number, i he Personal Hlstory of the Second Empire. a historiciil work of ansiirclassetl importauce, Which will throw a llnod of new lig-ht upon the cbequered career óf Napoleon III , uufl the intiuences wbloh led to tbc callopseof liis Empire in the frteanMO stiusrgle with uniH'd Uermauy, under Wilhelm [.and his [ron Chancello r. [t te as f asoinating is a romance, beniíí richly anocdotnl and fu.l ol Information drawn froni sources hitherto Inaccesalble, presented in tho Krapbio and clvaoioua style wliich "The Englisbmun in Paris," bv the same author, has made familiar to tbousandsof readers. 50 Cents a Copy: $5.00 a Tear. The Nor f h American Review, 3 East I4th 8t., Kiev Vork. Y? B. VOHHIS ATfOUNEY AT )iAW. roes a (renerai lawcollectionand conveyanolag husiuesb. A moderate bhare of your Datfna(re rospeotfullv aoliuited. office, 1H E Huron Street, upsinire. piRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK, Acnt (or the follo-wintr Kimt C'lnns Comrnic ri'proBenliiig iiïpi twenty-oigttl Million HiillafN Afuiets. tssue poiicle at tbe lowrïttt rates Etna of Martforrl $9,192,644.fKi Franklin of l'iiila 3,1 18,71 8,00 Germaiiiiof N. Y 2,700,729.00 American oí N.Y. 4,0ti,í,968.0(J London Assurance, Loud'n 1,416,788.00 Michijtati F. M., Detroit 387,908.00 M. V. Underwriters, N. V. 2,596,679.00 NatiotiíU. Hartford i ,774,6(ö.oO Phenlx, N.Y ,756,036.00 KfSpwlul .1 i'iiUub vti ;.. int, !iuituM li! l 'twellingi, uíhvh-. ctiurhm atid r-nniír Huildinírí i 1H trajt of Hwrt rt (1r„ i


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News