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Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY Kj of Wasbterow, . Noiire la bereby givnn thatbyan order of the Probate Court" for tb County ui' Washtenaw, made on the 2ith day o December, A. D. lt)!4, six munthafrora tbat dat werp allowed tor crêditon o present their claim agalnat the estáte of Nelson BotherlaDd, lal of 8Kid county. deceased.aiul thnt all creditor r said deocasedare icquireuto prrscnt theirclaims to aaid l'robate Court, at the Probate Office in thi cityofAnn Arbor, forexKinination and rtllownnce od or before the aSth day of June next, aoi Ihat Mich elHims will bi heurd before suid Cour on the üStta day of March, and on tho aSth day of June oext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Üated Aun Arbor, December 28, A. I). 1894. J.WII.LARD HAUB1TT, Indïfe ol Probate Commissioners' Noice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUN'TV OP 5 Wasbtenaw. The understgned havin been appointed by the Probate Court lor Miid County, Commlssioners to ri'ceive, examine and adjrsl all claims and (U-mands of all persons against the estáte of liicbaid Nowlau'l, late ol snid Oounty, deceased, lioreby pive notice tbal wix months from date are allowed, hy order ol suid Probate Court, for Creditors to present their claims agalnxt the estáte of nid divcased, hná tbat they wiu meet at realdenoeof Jsbm Stell'e, in the lownship of Northfli'ld in said county, on the 251)1 day orMarch and on the 24 tli da of June next, at ten D'clock A, M of eacb ol said day, to rtceive, ?xamine and iuViust said claimt. Dated Deccmbvr 24, in94. JOHN n'llARA, WM, BURCINGAMK, .'omuiissiorer6. Estáte of Lydia Sutherland. SÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTÏ - oiWHshtcnaw, sa. At a se&sion of the ï'f bat Court lor the Coutity of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Ollice in the city of Ann Arbcr, 00 Monday, the 24II1 day ol December, in ihe year oiiu thousanö eilit hundr-d and ninety-four. Present, J. Wiltod liabbitt, Judge o( Probate In the niHtter t the estáte ot Lydia tutherland, decewed. Gabrfella E. Suthcrland, xieutrix of the last willand testamentol Ntlson Satbcrland decensed, comes into court ïtnd representa ihut alie isnow pTeparad 10 render the hnai aocouDtof said Melson Suih. rlainl ;,s executoi i the lust will and teotamsntol satd Lydlo lulherland, deoeaaed. Thereiiponitmorieredthiii'J'iH'süHy tbejib d;iy of February ïiexi, ut ten oVluek in tlie tcrenoon, be assigned for exnriiining and nllowina sucb nccountandihattbHdL'visi'ea,lcgaU't'.Mnd neirs-atlaw afeud deceahed, ihkï uil o1. her perrons ipterosted in siil eatatBi are requncd n upear at a ses sion of said court, 1 lit-n 10 Iw huiden at the ProbHte oflice, in the city of Aun Ai r. in raid countv ahd ahow oauffi, ft auy luere bewhytlie suid accouot sbould not he Aud it i liiTther on! r fl Unit, huid exeemrix Kive nolici' t" thi pi 1 luiiaiutetented in aald ustate.ofthe peinicncy of eal'd accoutit and tbc hparinpth -reof, ty oaueiog a cop of tfau otder to be pubiUbed in the Ann A 1 bor Aririis. :i ni'AKftpapul ,11 i.t (1 urui circula Ing in said iniH.T.ihrre succeski e weeks preuoiis 'to nu, 0.1 ui iiürtrtng. .1. WILL ART) BABBITT. Judge of Probate, (A triiecopy.J Wir.r.iAM J. Dotv. Prul) ile Kc.-iiler. Real Estáte tor Sale. CTATE OF MICHIGAN COÜNTY KJ of Washtennw- ss. ín I he matter of the estáte of Juno Nelson, deoeased. Notice is hereby Jriven tliat Iti pursuance of nn order gr&nted tothe uuderslgned administratorof thc estáte of .suirt deoeased by tho Hon Juilac of Probate for the L'ounty oí Wrtshteuaw. od the lsth day of December A. D. 1894. there will ie sold at public vendue, tothe hu'htst bidder, a theeasi frontdoor oí thc coui't, hinise. In the city of Ani Arbor, in the Couiny of Waíbtenaw, in sald Sime, mi the Z8th dáy ni Februttry, A O I89S, ai ten o'cloci in thc forenoon ot thut day (subjecl to all encntnbianucs by mórtgage or otherwise existlng Ht thc Time of tliO dea hvof saiddeoeased) the followlug desoribed real ostate, lo-wit : Begtnnlng :it tbe uorth-weet corner ot lot nuinber rour, In blooK uumber Bli ven, in lliscock's uddllioii to the city o' Aun Arbor, ;tccon.lii.r to the eoorded plut t beroof 1 1 henee south on the west line of saiil lot eight rods. thence easl three roda and twelve !■ ot. t heneo north parallel with liist line of Hi.scoek gtreet, thenet west three vodi and iwelve feet to the plaoe of beglnnlnK. Dated JaDuarv fl 1895. LBONHABD QRfJNBR, Aduiinistrator. Commissioners' Notice. OTATK OK MICHIGAN, 0OUNTY OF O Vasiitknaw. The undersigned ti;ivintc beenappointed bv the (Vohiit1 ('ourt for sai'i Countv.Commissioners to receive, exnmine aiid adjust all claimi ttnd denufndfl ot ;ill peñonii ;iu;rmst the estáte 01 James ;i .'.' , I ( ()t s;iiil f'tmntv, decuasfd, hereby ffive nofícetha! bíx inotiths frotn arf al lowetf, by order o!" s.üil Prohnte Court for rrvditors to present clniuis asrainst tlu' t state : said deceased. and that thev wïll meet il ileac' oí said decefised, in tbe lownslup oí Lodi, m siúd County, on the 19th 1 iv ol Pebrunryand on the 20th dav (rf May tiext. at tei. n'clneU . M. ofeacb of said davjt, to rtceive. examine .nul .iJjusL csaid claims Dated, November i'K Ift I 1) MCiORK, i: -., L.'ummí&flioni'rSi I _i CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer and an bonest opinión, write to BI ü N N & :(., who have had nearly flfty ycars' experience In the patent business. Communiciitlonsstrictlyeonfldentlal. A llnndliook of Information concerning Patents and how to obtain them sent f ree. Also a catalogue of mechanica! and scientltic books sent free. Patents taken throufch Munn & Cp. receive Bpecial noticolnthe Scienfific Atnericniii and thus are broucht widely betorothe public without cost to the Inventor. This splondid paper, Issued weekly, eleüantly tllustrated. ha by f ar the lareest circulation of any scientlHc work in the world. 83 a year. Paniple copie sent free. Building Edition.monthly, Í2.50 a year. Single copies, !f 5 centB. Kvery numher eontains beautlful platea, in colora, and photOKruph of new houses, witb plans, enabling Dullders to Bbow tno latest designa and secure contraéis. Address MUNN & CO., NEW YOKK, 3B1 BHOAUWAY. NO. 4 W. WASHINGTON ST House, SiGh. Oünamesal and Fmcn Pmutef, irilding, CHlci!inniii)t. iflHzuiK 'lfl ii"''r nana infr. All work ii rUu n .■ ■' ■ nfl f- Ï.CONRATH èk' BLACK RASPBERRY. H 14 dajs earlior than the Gregg, neirlj f twice as Urge, absolutelj hard j, vigorous grover. 1 MONBY MAÏER. 5-S2Ü.0U PERACRI. Also 5,000,000 ?rnit and Ornamental trees and plants. 600 Acres. Introducers Winter Banana Apple and Kra Proliio Peach. Trile for IBujtraled I Catalogue and Price List - ' GREENING BROS.Monroe.MIch.


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