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Board Of Public Works

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['OFFICIAL1. OFFICIE OF THE BOAKD OF I'VBLIC WORKS, ( Ann Arbor, Mlch , Jan 7, 1894. f Special Session. Called to order by President Clark. Roll called. Poll board preseut. The cali of tliis meeting is to receive and consider the annual report of the Street Commissioner, made and prepared by President Clark, for the year 1894. DISBüftSEMENTS CHARGED TO STEEKT KUN FOB TUK YKAR 1894. Tu llir President and Honorable Common Cíun Gentlemen: Owitig lo the death of Street CornmiShioner Mitherlaud, I herewlth submlt trom sueh data as is obtainable the reports as required by Sec. No. UO of the Charter and luuid yon herewlth tabulated statements, showiug the disbursements charced the Street Funil, aud Uie Bridge, Culvert and Cross-walk Fund. The unount cbarged the .Street Finid for 18M is $647" 17 And is credited wlih moneys received by the clerk .fin gj There is due from Hardinghause íbr dirt sold him 7s 30 Due from St. Thomas Soeietv (walk built) 44 jo IHie from City Treasurerfasfcessmentslevied) gsi 81 1122 01 ÍS351 16 Showing that the süto of Ï6S51.16 ha been expended by the city 011 its streets durlne the year 18ÍH, 111 addition to moneys reeelved iind amounts due sald fund. Tlie amouut charged the Bridge Culvert aud Cross-walk Kund is WJ61 19 And s credited with moneys reeelved by thecltrk - 94 75 3bOwlDg that, the Ulll oríKSOC.44 bas been expended on bridgen, culverts and crosswalks by the city. in nddition to moneys receivfd and credited this fund. Amouut cbarged Street Fuiid over credltsanü receiptrt 6S61 16 Amouut charged Bridge, Culvert and Cross-walk, over credits and receipts 68C6 14 Total expenditures(both funds). I2,2176) Astotlie appropriatlons made dniing the past year, I can find sufflelent data Ín one case only to make a report on wbere the work is completed, that belng the grading of the north end ol Broadway, where priation was $501, and the amount expenedd thereat was the sum of661.16 Of the appropriation ol ?5U0 for gradina (atherme. between Clark and Thirteenth and Thirteenth. between Fnlleraud Cathersum of?2t9.,ogra.dingiind grwveünt; Catlierinefromguttei tu gutter Hom Thlrteenih to JiH-a ne ' U'e WOrk beln8 an"nTwo municipal contrncU for baildlDff fcewers were made during the year iciu. thai in {, ■ r5' ?to' lbelDS with MesM-s Steveuson, Kela s Co., for the sum of (oriüimil contract) _ _ __ i-jjiii 00 And for extras allowed ..UIZZIH 870 84 Total amount earned in Dist. No. 1_ S3S19 8-1 Total amount paid contracto) s to date 16-.. mi n4 Lea ving balance unpakl ol'_ 544 yy or 10 per ceiitum of the orlgfnal contract price- one-half of whioh wlli be clue the contractors when the work Is accepled the balance or 5 per centum t t the end of one year lrnm the time of the ncceptunce olthnwolk I he other contract belng wlth Herman Hutcl for building a sewer In District No 2 l'orthesum of(oiiijinal contract).. W s,ï lotal extras allowed to date ._ HO 50 Making r.xtras allowed and original contract ,il()8 gg Amount pald thereon to date 2344 6 Showing balance reinal ning unpakl of.f37ü9 6 Leas estimule presen ted when allowed of _ ggg 10 showingr balance to beon account ïiï- - cumpletcd sewer $2763 06 All of wliich Is respectfulïy sabmïïted, President of the Board r Pábilo1 Workx. Received and iiled. By Mr. Bullis : Resolved, That the excellent ltemized report of the expendí tures of the Street Commissiouer. made by Mr. Clark, President of the Board, be approved and ordered to le preseuted totheCommon Council. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Messrs. Schuh and Bullis. Ou inotioñ the Board adjourned. Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News