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The Biscovcry Saved Bis Life. Mr. G. Caillouette. druggist, Beaversvillé, IIK, says: "To Dr. King's New Diseovery I ovve my life. Was taken with La Grippe and triéd all the physicians for miles abont, but of no avail and was given up nnd was told I could notlive. IlavingDr King's NewDiscovery in niy store J sent for a bottle and began its use, and from the first dose besan to get better, and at'ter using tln-ee bottles was up nnd about Rain. Itisworth its weight ín gold. We won 't keep store or Iionse without it." Get a tree trial atEbprbach Drug and Chemical Co., and Geo. J. Haeusler, Manchester. WANG-HCT Theirreat Ohinesp Cin-o for Syphilis. is the only positive cure for this terrible amieti n. tures m from three to nine montlis, loavin not asintrle traue or vestijro of the disease' We are the only oompai y in America who sell Wang-Ho, the pveseription beinï obtained at a larjre expens by Dr. Sliaw, the eminent missionary in I8K), and horoughly tested bv VLnnbefol' beinK vUL-ea ujxm the market. .JKJOcasps cured. Ie lts reoord for the past y ear with not a sinwle f allure, In orderimt send 5 for three months' i 'eatmi-nt. Forfree int' rmatlon send 2c stamp. All conespontlence stnctly coDfldential. North AmeiICan Chemióal Co 21 Bennetr Building Dotl-oil, .lllrlII.Kl, 1' S A. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she elung to Castoria. When ghe had Chüdren, she gave them Castoria , Michigan ClSTgü " The Niágara Falls Rouie." """ Tl MUTABLE (Hevised) NOV. 18, 18H4. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. k 1 - B' ■ l i i sl S d : -;Eia : ft ' : f IEa [ ! -SI ïtl ítm 5 jö' ;;c ;'t.o-'!?';( u ■ o H ■ j "F3o z 88SSSSSSSSS as 8S8ÍSS5SS8S L tí'í' icic 'Co cïo i-ci O L-tccoorecTHN J 9 '■ : 5 g x eüTi TT i w a : : : cos ta ce o. ; ■ ■ p H coS ; ; ; SÍ- p m- ;ci . ■ wo Ca IliSglS'" 'fc. =" ; - . ;rro . cl:: : : :' s 3 " : : : : : a i I O ' ■ O i i iiO3 ÓQ MÍJ i(M t "U-C ' jgj 1 CO 3 i 'OS ■ ■ O fTsa i ïi ïlTs ici as ; : ; ; a i. sa; ; ; ; ca ,10.-;: ; =. , gg i : :S3 :sg igg :;j : : :g ia S1 ! ;5 o- s -;-'-;: i=c c"g Tg" g = o a p.a ala 5. ■ Occ -cCTCc cï ' c 'ft :r" i i; ie; 1 ;g ■-- cj - ro - 1 - : 1 - ;3„ ii-fM.-;or-c: r: i i : i : : : i I í laí I -I I I i s lllIlHi ilildiliJ O.W,RUaGLK8 H.W.HAYES, Q P. T. Ago Chicago. A?'t Ann or


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