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No Explosives Suspected People Crowded Around The Blaze Not Thinking Of Danger

No Explosives Suspected People Crowded Around The Blaze Not Thinking Of Danger image
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No one suspectod the presence of powder in the wurehouse and as ís customary when a uro is raging in Bucte people were crowded around the burning structure as close as they could get. Tho firemen had arrived only a, minuto or two before, and were almost in the act of turniag on the íirst stream el water whon a small explosión took place. This seemctl to be a aort of warniug of what was to follow, for no sooner had the first puff oceurred than people bogan to suspect tho présenos cf a greater quantity of the explosivo in Home other part of the structuro, and eeme of them feil back. Before they luid roaehed a place of safety, however, the first great explosión took I place and huudreds oL peoplö were hurled rlght and left and mauy of them wero mangled beyond recoguifion. Bodies wero throwu for hundreds of yards in all diroctions. Somo wore tiirown against houses and smashed to a pulp, whilu flyig uebris litorally knocked tho heads iroai others were they stood. One body, ifc is reportéd, was seen Uying through the ir at a heighc of of áX) or 3ÜU yards. After the ñrst big explosión oceurred Hiany of the wounded were compoUod by their helpleasness to lio noar the lire and tho feoat only intonsiilod tho pain they wora nnffering. They beggodto ba takon awuy, but thero was uo means of oouveying them from the scène at that time. A hackman seoing the terrible stato of afiirs drove up and attempted uo assist in the removal, but while in the act the t-econd great explosión took place and killed Mm and his horses vnd many of tha wounded. The explosión oceurred bofore many pople had gone to bed, and whon the horror of the situation fastened itsolf upon them they gave their whola strength and the nieans about thom ia aid of tho wounded awd in oaring for the bodies of tho dead. No good ostimate au bo mado of tbo numbor of wownded. Ttsy Troro Krd for by everr coöoeiTftble method. I a.y ba seroral daf i before tk fnll Ust em ba published. Tk folUwteg in tA Mt vil Hul { of c-Tiously Injuro.i; Mikc O'X ■V.. rut or the head and anus, badly ti an ;lod;W. K. Orr, jaw broken longue eut and teeth kllookad out; John Cole, four libs broken; ; Henry Bario, back hurt and lag broken; James McKiroy, knee-cap sinashed; Meli bourne Trucy, senously iniired in the : j bowels and au arm broken; Georgs Dcj voy, back and hips Injured; WUllam Singleton, riglit arm brokon ; Tommy i ald, will loso hisrlgíit arm; Henry ' german, right leg broken and breaat batlly Injured; W. L,. Miles, stomach mangled j and head badly bruisod; John Cohn, W. ! Grossen, R. A. Weal, Miko Connors, I Frank Hart, N cholas Roijcrs, W. M. Shlngleton, Goorgo üovoy, AndrewSwift; Henry Stcinbern, Tractured leg and arm; Torn Burns, fatally injured; Mr. Bow, injurios so serious that there is little hope of rocovery; Andrew, I Michaels, severely but not geriously ! injured; - - Frazier, a boy, broken arm and leg; Dave Colenian, Torn Coleman;' ï. J. Haid, brukcn arm and leg; T. J. Reilly; James Biirns, broken leg Jand arm; WUllam McAudrews, boy; John Sloan, oompound fracturo of arm and I boih legs.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News