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Dyspepsia seldom causes death, but permits its victiüJS to live on ia misery. Hood's Kaisaparilla cures dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. LOST MANHOOD.- Itisawell known fact thAt tiiuu&auusuLuur uriKin uuu intelligent young men are suffering in Bllenco f rom the effect of yonthful errors. Our remedy will poitively cure all weuknepses and preznature decay. All oorrospoudence is stiictly conttdential. Price, $1.00: b mail il. 10. Norlh American Chemical Co., 21 ik'iinutt Building. Detroit, Micll. N. B - Wo du not claim to frlve yon soirn-1 hinir for notliiufr, but doMive you t uil value for your money. Hfl CURES WHtREALL ÈlSEFAILS. bT" EqJ Best CoiiKh Syrup. Tantea Oood. Une gS 'n tirne. Sold by druggietB. ll BUCKLEN'S ÁRNICA SAL VE. The Best Salve in the world tor Cuta, Bruises, Sores, Ulsers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblalns.Corns.and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles ,or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price, 25 ecnts per box. For sale by The Eberbaeh Drug and Chemical Co., Ann Arbor, and Geo. J. Haussler, Manchester. r I1 t A I weakness eusily iured by OrlNAkDi. Miles' Nerv'e Piasters. TURKORINE. HIstheon!y posit'vo cure fortionorrhua. This greut reineoy, for ycars a seoret (o tlie world ai L&rge , Ubvii excfusively by the Turks, the prescriptlon heir % obUiiut'd by us at a hii'Ku expense íroui the Doctors to tbe Sultan, will positively cure Qonorrhea and Qleei tn any staj;e In from three to ten (Jaye, and wll nol Dr0uU08 slricture. (,89-i eas(;8 8 its record for the paBt year, and not a síiil'U: failure. In ordering inoloaè Í1 and 15c in starnps to pay postMMt;. Por 1 ree inl'ormntion s'nd 'Ze si;mip All correspondeuce etrictly ponfldent iil. Nortii Americau Cheüiical (.'o., 1 liennett Building, Detroit, Michigan, U. S. A.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News