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Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY IO of Wtibhtctiiiw, sa. Notice ie hereby gtven, that by an otder of the Probate Court for the Counfy of Waisotenaw, raad e im the 2Sth day i December, A. D. 1894, six muothi from that date were allowed ior crediton to present iheir claims agalnst the estáte of Nelaon Bat herlaad, Int e of tmid eounty, dtceased, and that nll creditors of said deoeaaed ure tequixed to present theii claims to said Probate Court, ut the Probate Office in the city of Anti Arbor, forexaminaiion and allowanee, od or bcfore the aSth day of June next, and thatHUch claims will bc heurd hefore said Court on the aSth day of March. and on the 2itb day of June next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each ot duid days. Dated Ann Arbor. December 28, A. D. 1804. J. W1LLAKI) HAliüJTT, Tudire ol Probare Com mi ss toners' Noice. STATB OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Wwbtenaw. Tbe underslgned having buen appointed by the Probate Court for Miid Connty Oomm talonera to nceive, examine aud adji-st uil dal mi and demanda of uil persons afraint the BState ot Kiobaid Nowland, late of bdm County, deoeased, hereliy atve notice Ihat six montliH trota (lateare allowetl, by order o siiil Probate Court, for Creditors to present tlieir cluirns agalnst the estáte of.said deeoased, and tliat they will meet at tbi ie :il--nH' ol' Jessfl Stelle, in the township of Northfli td inaaid county , ou the 251)1 day ol' March and n Mie 24 ih dn of vTiinc next , at ten o'olnck A. M. of em li ol wüd days, to receire, examine and adjast ml claims. Dated DeoembQT 24, lt94. JOHN O'IIARA, WM. UURi.INt! AVK, Coramiocexfl. Estáte of Lydia Sutheriand. ÖTAÏE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtcnaw, sb. At 1 session of the Probat Court for the Countyol' Wnebtenaw, bolden at the Probate Otiice in the city of Ann Arbcx, üd Monday, the 241 h dn y oí l)tctinb'r( in the year one thousaud eight hundrco and ninety-four. Present, .T. Willard Babbitt, .Indo oí Probate In the matter of the estáte ot Lydia butherland, decetsed. Gabriella E. Suiberland, txecutrisof the last wiUand testamentol NelsonSatbcrianddeoeasedi conies into court ii ud represent t luit eiie i- now prejnufcd to ronder Lhe (Lnai aoconntof saldNelson öuilhiland ;is executor of the lant will and testament n1 Baid LydJa Milherlaod, deooawd, Theieuponu laorieredthatTuesaaj the 51b day of Februery liPXi, at len oVloekin the t-reuoon, be assijrned lor Bxamlulng and allowing BUOh hcOOunt and that thedevitóea,legateind neirs-at law ofaid deceaaed, end all oiher persona iptetested in sciid estáte, are required to pvcar at a session of Bald OOUrt, uien W b holden at the Probate otïiee, in the city of Ann Ar or, in ïöld couuty and flhow cauüö, lf any Hiere bewhythe Baid account should n ot be üllowed Aid it is turtbi-r ord r '1 that satd xeeu'iix tiive noUoe to peía tnainteieatod in sviid state. of the pendenoy of satd ucottuut and tbehearioff tb reof, by OHUSing a eopy ii' ihw order t be publiahed in the Ann Arbor ArffUH.a newipnrer print d and circula ing in sahI county, tbrfeauccesbi e weeks prüious 60 Hii d 1 ,r J. W1LLAKD liAliïilTT. .) udfge ofFrdbatc. (A truecopy.) WiLLiAM U.Dott. Probate Refifiter. Notice to Creditors. CTATE OF MICHÍGAN, COUNTÏ of Washtíjnaw. ss. Notfee is hertby i-eii. tbat by an order of tbe Probeta Court ír t( Countv of Washtenaw, made nn tlie fur oenthday of Januarv A. I. 1SD5, i uionths trom that date were aliowed for crédito? i preeeul theii claimt agaim.t the eslate of Euilly Ij, Danotr, late of Huid county , tlcceaed,nt all cretiiton ofsaid deceaaed are requir 1 thetr olaimj in saiil Probate Court .at hc Probate OttLoe in the city ol Ann Arbor, for ex imi Dat ion aud ;illowano'-, on or bef ore the flfteeu h day of July, next, and tbat Bucb Iuíton will bp henrd btt'.re sid court. on the ÖftceiUh day df April, and on the tifteenih day of July uext. ai UïU oclock in tni foronuot] ofeacb ui airtdayn. Datfd. Al)n Arbor, Januan lö, A. D. 1895. . WILLAHU KABBÏTT, Judeeof Probate. Commissioners' Notice. STATU OK MICHIGAN', COUNTY OF Wamiunaw. The undersigned havinRbeflnappointed bv the Probate Court for said County,Commissiont-rs to receive, examine '.ml adjust all clairrn ;ind demands ot' fill persons atainst the estáte 01 JumeB Sage, late of :iil OountVi deceaaed, hereby kivo notice thai six months froni tlule jirc ullowedi by order of s:iid Erobate Coort, tor ensditora to present their claims affainst the state 1 said deceasi d, and Üiat thev "in meel at the laterenideno of said dt-ceased, iu the lowtislup ot Lodi, in said County, ou thé W!i d:iy ot Fi'bruurv and on the ÜOthdayoi May next, al ten o'clock i. u.ofeach ofsaiddays, to receive, exainine and adjust said elaims. Dsted, Novimb.rlö. 8!4 ■- LKiïKD MOORE, 1MIII.H' Bl.UM, Jr., Commissioners. WOMAN'S SALVATION -TIik Cl Ib a purely i oompound, and Is gns,T' antúed tú bea safe ;hmi sure euro lor all monthly [rregularitíes, and n general Bterine ton ie. It is nov iim ii ti thoussnds of aflflfcted adiesto tbit country. We are Iniooelptof hunclre'iüol' tectlmODials oxtolllng the vil of tliis remedy One trial wlll convlnceth niii-i Bfceptioalas toita worth. Prloetl.OO; by mail North Aiiieii;;in Chemical Co., 21 Itennett Building. Detroit. KUoh CA1V I OBTATN A PATENT Í Fora prompt answer and an honest opinión, wrlte tq Si :n; & CO., who have had nearlyflfty year' cxpcrience in the patent business. Communications atrictly confldential. A Ilnnrtbookof Iniormation concorninï Patenis and how to obtain them sent f ree. AIbo a catalogue oí mecnanical and sclentlflo books sent free. Patenta taken throuKh Munn & Co. recelve special notieeinthe Seicnlilic Ainerienn, and thus are brouerht widely beforothe public witnout coat to the inventor. Thís splendid paper, lssued weekly, elegantly Illustratpd, ha by far the larirest circulatina of any scientlflc work ia the world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent tree. Building Edition, monthly, f 3.50 a year. Sinitie copies, 'J5 cents. Kvery number containa beautiful plates, in colora, and photojrrapha of new liouses. wlth plans, enablinu builders to show the latest desiims and secure contracts. Adlrcs MUNN & New Youk, 3il Broaijway. NO.4 W. WASHINGTON ST. House, Sim, Obnamehm. and Fresco Paikter, irlldinK, calefrainiriK, and paper nang lap. AH work la done in the beet nryle ana murranted to (rlv Htlsfaetlon TRCÍCE AND HTORAGE C. E. GODFREY. Residence and Office, 1,S Fourth Ave., North Telepbone 82.


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