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What Is Gravitation?

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Two men at antípodas on the earth's surfaco are drawn cürectly toward each other. Each ia at the apex of a cone of tho other. These conos iuterloek at the earth's center and are there equal, but the greater part of the mass of each cone and consequently the greater mass of gravity holding each to his place is past the center of the earth and culminatos at the feet of the other. Every point of the earth's surfaca pulls in a straight line through the center of the eaith, not stopping at it: losing pnrt of the pound in proportion as it ap'iro'iiúios the center; tben, passing, rsg'i iiiug it again in proportion as it ápproach(!S tho onposite snrfaoe. So that half waypast the center tho pound which at the center was nothiüs has now become i haif pound, eukI at the antipodal surf ace a pound again. Make tho center of the earth the comrnon apex of au indefinite number of cones radiatiug to the surface. According to mass, gravity pulls from the center, and the center is again the poiut of nugatiou. If gravity is au active essence prodnced by molecular motion, if being a living essence, it is therefore a perishable ono, it follows that in a era emass as theeartb, soine subsFanoe!, wil probably exhanst sooner tban oth ers by reason of espirationof molécula aotivity, if that be ite producer, or W other or any cause. Beiug an active T pending forcé, it inust have a producer' and that producer must have snppliJ , nf forcé produoing matter. These supplies howevei great, must exhaust Diff' ent qualities of matter ruay containthi force produoing quality i„ differing d grees and qualities. If so, the minor will soouer exhaust. A feather, a leadeu ball and a dry stick will fall through space to our atmospliero with equal speed becausc their atoms and the atoms of the earth mutually attract each oth er regardlesa of shape or size. Gravitv is atomic, and every atom is the equal of every other atom, no matter how diffuse or how concrete the masa of the object of v.'hich they are parts. Bnt the dry stick may have lost i ts 'activo principie- gravity. lts essence prodnoing principies may liavo been exhansted Nevertheless itwould bo grasped bytha overwhelmiug gravity of the earth and brought down in ooinpany with ita fellows. Gravify pulls laterally as well ns perpendicnlaïJy The weight of tho earth has beun palenlated trom the pull of a motiutain on :; plunib line. A p'eraoii standiug iu a uarrow canyon, w:th walls towering hundreds a thousailflS of feet above him on either side, has much better footing than if on the pinuacle of a monument. In ons easy h'e is held up by lateral ravity.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News