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Plan For Coinage Of Silver

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The secretary of the troasury is directed to receive at any Uuited States mint from any citlzen of the United States silver bullion of Standard fineness and coin it intosilvor dollars of -UdK grainseach. The soigniorago on tho bullion is to belong to theUnitel States aud it is' to be the diffcrence botween tile eoinago valué and the price of the bullion in London on the day the deposit is uiade. The secretary is required 10 doliver 10 the depositors of suoh bullion standard silver dollars equal in aniount to the price of the builion, and whenever these coins shall be received into the treasury certiflcates in denominations of less than $10 may be issued on them as now provided. Tlie important chacges made in the bill since it was flrst formulated are those uiaking the bonds payable in coin instead of gold, increasing the rate of interest from 2% to 3 per cent., and providing for tne displacement of natioual bank and treasury and United States notes of less than $10 by silver certiflcates instead of L20, as at flrst proposed. The flrst concession was made to the silver inori, and the wo others to the bond advocates and tioee who wish to restrict the use of ilver. Senator Smith also presents a silver ill which does not provide a system of urrency, but authorizes au issue ol onds. It provides that tho president ïall appoint four commissloners from ivil Ufe, no inore than two of whom shall e of the same poiitical party; tho presient of the sonate shall appoint four sentors, no more than two of whom shall e members of the samo party; tho speakr of the house is to desígnate four members under the same conditions. Tho senators and members chosen are to be members of the Fifty-fourth congress. These are to be known as the "Monetary Commission." It is made tho duty of the commission to take into considera tion and to investígate thoroughly all the various questions relating to the currency, so f ar as muy be necessary to the establishment of a judicious systeni of currency on a permanent basis. The commission is ompovvered to visit d i Herent portions of the country and make to eougress a final report of the results of its investigations, together with such recommond&üiona as it may deem to be to the best, Interests of tho United Status, not later than the second Monday in December, 1895. The bill also authorizes the Issue of $000,000,000 of :i per cent. bonds, redeemablo in gold coin at the expiration of ten years.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News