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THE HUMAN EAR. A Notable Lecture on the Sense oí Hearing by Dr. Hartman. During the course of one of Dr. Hartman's latest lectures at the Sur gical hotel, he said: "Good hearing is essential to health and safety. A continual roaring, cracking and buz zing in the head, which is always produced by partial loss of hearing, is a constant nervous irritation which will gradually undermine the strength. Besides this even a slight loss renders any one more liable to accident, many persons being killed every year because of partial deafness. Many people think that a loss of the sense of hearing is inevitable, and that everyone must submit to it sooner or later. Henee they make no attempt to find a cure. This is a greal mistake. Loss of hearing, either in the old or young people, is nearly always due to chronic cararrh of the head or middie ear." Catarrhal deafness is due to catarrh of the throat passing up through the Eustachian tubes to the middle ear. The calarrh in rare cases originates in and remains confined to the middle ear. The symptoms are: Roaring, cracking, buzzing in the ear, with gradually increasing difficulty in hearing. It not cured the hearing will be entirely destroyed. When the case has not already gone too far before the treatment is begun Pe-ru-na will cure every case. It is only after catarrh has destroyed portions of the middle ear that Peru-na fails to cure. All such cases should write Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio, for further advice. A book on la grippe, coughs, colds, catarrh, etc., will be sent free to any address by the Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing company of Columbus, Ohio. If the Baby Is Cuttlng Teeth Be --ure uiid HM that old and well-tricd reinedy. Mr Wixsi.dw's Soothing Hyrui" for cbildren teetnlng It 8'othes the child, softeos thr ttums, allays all pain, curen wind colic and is tln best lemcfly for dlarrbcea. Tweuty-ftve cente a bottle 'Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away." The truthful, Btartllng title of a book abont Noto bat, the only harmless. guaranUed tolincro haliit euro. If yoo want to iiuit :ind cuii't, use "No-to-bac" Bracea apnicotinlzed Oerves, elimínate nlcoÜDe polsons, makea wenk men gáin strengtb, weljtht and vigor f'oeltlye euro or money refunded. Sold by H. .1. ISrown, dnii-'iiist. Book at driitriiist, or malled frec. diirem 'The Stffli (T Hemedy Co, Chicago otBoe 45 Rundolpta 8t. : New Vurk. 10 Sprnce - Estáte ot Ellen O'Hara. STATR OP MICHIGAN, COUNTT of Washtemiw, es. A( a 8R8Íoii of ProfaUi Court for th7 County of Washtenaw, holdtn at ibe Probate Office in the City ot Aun Arlor, on T n-silay, tbe Sí2d day of Jumuiry, in tiie yeai one thousand eieht huntired aïid Dinety-five. Present. J.Willarü üabhitt. Judge nf probate. ; In tbe matter of the eKtate of Ellen O'Hara, j docf-ased. ; Onreadfoc ;md lili n lt tlie petition duiy veririod of Kllt-ii WaLsh, prayiuLT tbnt tbe administiation of said eslate may be granteil to Joniefl i Wulsfi, or somc othtr suituble persou. l Tberfupon it is ordered, thut Mondar t the iSth day of PabrD&ry QflXt, at teu o'clock 1 in tbe forenoon, be asBigned for the htarI ing of said petition, -ind that the heirs .it law of smd der:ise(l and :ill other persone ïiittTi'ritfii in Raid catate, requïred to appeT at a esioii of said Conrt, then tfbe holden at, the Probate Office, in the city of Aun Arbor j and phow eanfte, if any there be, why thept-oyer oí the petitioner shouM notbp granted And it ia further ordered, tbatswid petitiontrL'ivt notice to the portons interested in bstkl estáte ot th pendencyofsaidpetuion, and the hearing thereof bvciiusing a copy of this order to bc publishtnl ir the Ann Arbor Argtq, a uewspaper pnntfH and circulated in eaid County, tliree succeesiTP week previous to said day of heariufc. J. WILLAKD BABBI1T, [A truc copj] Jtljfc of Probate WÍU.IAM G.DOTY, Probate Beïistcr.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News