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official. Gounoii, Chambek, Axx A.RBOR, Mich., Jan. 21, 1895. Regular session. Called to order by President Wines. Jioll called. Full board present. Tlie journal of the last seesion npproved as correctod. PETmnNS .ISI) COMM0MICATION8. To the Common CODncll : Tba Board of Public Works ber'ewith submit the sewer specification us amended bj the board, also a set of Ihesewerimd plumb iiiK rules for your approval or dinapprovul. By order of the Board of Public Works W. J. MIU,ER, Cltrk. Referred to the Committee onSewers, A petition signed by Francés M. De Puy, of the City of Ann Arbor, setting forth that on the Ifitli day of November, 1894, she suslained a verv severe injury to lier entire person, by falling into the sewer trench at the interseetion of Liberty and Thompson streets, there being no danger signal liglits or barriers at said locality, and that she has been damaged in consequence to the extent of at least $5,000. Referred to the Committee on Sewers and the city attorney. A petition signed by Catlierine Stoll, of the city of Ann Arbor, asking to be remitted from a sidewalk tax, which has been assessed against her property, as the said sidewalk was built by the petitioner, except furnishing the lumber. Referred to the Committee on Finances and sidewalks. The Engiueer's estímate of the Fifth ward branch of main sewer was again reported to the Council, and the same was referred to the Sewer Committee. REPORTS OP STANDING COMMITTEES. Chairman Brown, of the Water Com mittee, submitted a report of a bacteriológica! examination of the drinkinj water that is furnished by the Ann Arbor Water Co., report shows that the water in its present condition is very good, was received and filed. REPORTS OP SPECIAL COMMITTEES. To the Common Councll : Your special committee. to whom was referred the matter of procuring some suitable persou to take charge of the hentlng apparatus In the city offices, would report that your eommittee have secured the services of Kenuy & Quinlan to take charge of the heatiug at Í10 per moiith, aud your committee recommend that the offer be accepted and a coutract be closed with said panies lor such services. Kespectiully submitted, FltANK WOOD, C. H. MANi,y, H. G. PftETTYMAN. Accepted, and recommendations concurred in, as follows : . Yeas- Aids. Watrner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Wood, President Wines- 13. Nays - None. REPORT FROM THE ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Chairman Prettyman, of the Ordinance Committee, made a verbal report what the eommittee was doing with the ordinances of this city. First was made a record of the passage, amendment, and repeal or continuance in force oi every ordinance ever passed by the Common Council of this city since the establishment of a city government under the first charter. President Wines stated that the hour of 8:30 o'clock having arrived, as the time fixed for receiving report from the Special Committee on Amending the Charter, Aid. Wagner, chainnan of the Special Committee on Amending the Charter, reported the different amendments that the committee had under consideration, and asked lor further tiuie to make a a final report in full to this Couneil. Aid. Manly stated as a member of the Special Charter Committee, he vvould have a minority report to submit to the Council. On motion of Aid. Manly tlie Council agreed to meet in an adjourned session, Friday evening, Jan. 25, and the hour of 8 o'clock be fixed for receiving reports from the Charter Amending Committee. President Winës stated that if there were no objections the ordinances reported by the Ordinance Committee will be cousidered read, and it was so ordered. 0RDINANCE8. Aid. Prettyman, leave haviug been granted, introduced an ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance Relative to the licensing of Plumbers;" to amend an ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance Relative to Licenses," passed July 6, 1S91, by inserting three new sections thereiu. Aid. Manly moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinance be given its second reading by sections. Adopted. The seconil reading by sections of "An Ordinanee Relativo to the Licensing of Phimbers;" to ameiul an ordinance entitled, "Au Ordinance Relativo to Licenses," passed July 6, 1891, by iasertinj; three new sections therein. KBPOBTS OF city 0FFICEB8. Asn ARBOB, Jan. :21st, 1895. Tc tlic ('ominou Couucil : I berebj oeriify that tbe pressure of water om Kuuffe at engine house luis been 65 pouuds or more ut all times aluce Jan. 7tli, the date of last report. Kiikd Siplf.y. Ohiefoi Kirc Department. Eeceived and filed. COMMUNICATIONS FlioM THE MAYOB. To tlie Honorable the Common Couneil : 1 11 accordance witli the provisions of the charter, I hereby appolnt, subject to your ap proval, Robert Leonard as policemau, to lilthe vacancycaused by the resignation of Win JiMert. C. O. Daki.ino, Jan. '21, 1S9.5. Major. Aid. Prettyman moved that the ap(ointnnent of the mayor be confirmed. Adopted. To the Honorable ihe Common Council l bave tbe pleasure of submlttiug i() 90(j . business propesltlon lor your eonsideratlou Wwit ihi' Kirenimi's Hall now oocupted bv il. e Fire department be 80 eularged id lm" provedthai It raay provide eouvenfenl room for the fl re departnicut. city offices and e lock op." Wheu the Common Council pro . vidt-d offices for the various branches of tlic city government, they without doubt expeeted Ihe time to come when it wunld nut oniv be u matter of pconomy, huta ueeeaaity for the city to own u building where provisions wou ld be made for office room and other use. The faet tliat the eitycan runt property only' from year to year makee it imposible tö secure low lates and tli ! emergency mlght arlse, vrhereby we miuiii De compelleil toseek oew aoarters a cbange which raight involve coualderable expense without Improvemeiit' The city offices should be permonantlr - located and contalii vnult accomniodation's ? for 11 of the valuable maps and paper.s beloneinfr to the city. The wi e change recently made by the f'ouncil In orderine a city '-loeit uu" caiinot be fully appreciated uutil one that is properly constructed can for a time be used. Howeverthe present experiment demonstrates the value of ' such a course and the necessity for con.structïuit nometliiiiK better for the purpose. Our Flre Department, the pride of every citizen who recognlzes good work- wil] be treatly henc-fited by the change, a benefit not estiniated by dollars and cents but one adding to thHt economy whieh is prncticed when the efficeiu-y of the departmeut is Increased re(;iuilossof cost HaviiiKSet forth a few of the rensons for u larprer city building (not to mention ihe eonveniences) let mecall your atteutiou to the buslnoes side of the propositlon. The plans placed before you have been carefnlly prepared by the city engineer, and a liberal estímate has been giveu for construciiirr the building. The netv part and ajl changes necpssary in the old, and to cost $5500 (fïve tiionsand five hundred dollars). These plani allow for the use of the furniture now in ase in the city offices which belongs to the city the rooms in the proposed building beinir plnniied with reference to the use of said furuiture. The present method of heating the city offices is expensive and the proposed building can easily be heated for the same som whieh is required to heat the present offices. The establishing of a city "lock up" will certainly turn a considerable suin of money from other channels into the citv treasury. To this add tbe sum paid for rent (Í350) and yqu will flnd tbat the sum so obtained for six years will be suffieient to pay for all the proposed changes. Respectfully submitted, C. G. Darlini;. Aid. Prettyiuan moved that the eommunication be referred to a special conimittee of three of which the president of this council be made a member of the committee. Adopted. President Wines appointed Aid. Wood and Aid. Taylor as the other two members of said committee. By AJd. Manly : Resolved. That the city attorney be and he is hereby directed to prepare and present to this council an ordinance relative to the regulations and control of club-rooms, situated In the city of Ann Arbor. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. WagnW, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettymau, Wood, Pres. Wines - 13. ■ Nays- None. By Aid. Brown: Resolved, That the Water Co. be. and are hereby ordered. to malie the necessary connections with the flnsh-tanks on the lateral i sewers, now coustructed or in course of constrnction. In accordance with the proposilion of the said Water Co. to the Board of Public Works. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Wood, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Martin : Kesolved. That the matter of title of land where the city built a walk along the north side of Felch street, west of the Toledo. Aun Arbor & North iWichigan Kailway Co.'s lands and assessed against John Molkehthiu, be rererred to the city attorney for a report on the matter, where said title lays, by the next meeting of this Council. Aid. Manly moved an aniendnient that the city attorney procure an abstract of title, if necessary, which amendment prevailed, as follows : Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Wood, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays - None. The original resolutions as unended prevailed. By Aid. Ferguson : Resolved, Th&t the mayor and city clerk be and they are hereby ordered and directed, to draw a warrant on. the Uaiversity Hospital Aid Band Fund for three thousahd four lunidred and eighty dollars ($3,180). for priucipal and interest due Feb. Ist. 1895, payable to Harrison Sonle, treasurer of the ITuiversitv of Michigan. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aldermen Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Wood, Pres. Wines - 13. Nays - None. Onmotion the Council adjourned. City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
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