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The Word's Fair Tests showed no baking powder so pure or so great in leavenlng power as the Roy al. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT HA VINO IJKEN MADE IN THE OOndltloasof icertain inortgaRe hearing date the slxteenth day ot Marcli. ono l'housand, KlghC llundcedamlEiirhtyfive.executed b7 Jotan n. Heunettan.i Hattle Benuett, bis witï-. bothof the township of ilciii ('ouiity of waahtenaw and State ol Mluhlgan, to Kobert (J. Safford, of the town lii]) of rMymouth, County uf Wayne, etate aforesaid. and noorded in the office of the register uf deeda lor Waslitcnaw county. in tlie state of Michifíun, on the twcnty-fourth duy of Mureh, INS6, in Llber 6ê of Mortgages on patrefiñ; by the nonpaymeut of principal ud interest due thereon, by wlnch the .ower ol sul coQtained thereln has become operativo, ind on wnieh mortgage tnere lg clalmed to be duo at the date of cbis notice the slim of Twelve Hundred and Nlnety-tive i I.2ii:ji dollar and Fiftynine (9j Ceuta uno the l urtherauui ol Tweiiívüve (2" dollars provlded in aid mortgage and reasouable attorney fee for the foreclosare of sald murtgage, and no euit or pioueedlugs at law or la i-nmiy bavlag boen ïnstituted to reoover the umount rïowremalntngsecured by saió mortgage or my part I hm ot. o Kr licrchy is therefore tiven that on Monday, the twenty-second day of April, A. D. jci'.i il twelve o clouu n on. (local time; m the tuist front door i. f the rourt House, in the city of Ann Arbor, oounty of Wu.sliteuaw, kI air of Bic IgaSj (ald oourt house Uuing the biiilniiii1 in wlucli the i 'iii'uii Oourt for the sald county of Washi enaw la In-M th'T wilt beold at pil bi Hiiclio"! to tbe liighest bidder the lanas and premises discribed In sald mortgaVe, or o muoh thereof aa may be uecessary to satis! y tbc iniou-.t due as abOire gpeolfled. lmerèst costf. and expenses of sail saleallowed by lau and provided for in Kiid mortgaKc. said latida aun preuilses beinrituated in the tovvilnp ot sulem, cou ty ol Washtenaw, state of Mfohigan, and dueenbed asfolloWB, to-wit: Commenolog; tthunorthtt■l roiiK-i ofSeotlon AumberFlfteen, cowupliip Number Ouc, Boutfa f r&nve Nuraher Seven aast, tliai ce running eai-t on the seú" tion line six chulos uiid twenty-six linkf-; tliencc south parallel with tb" noi-th and south qaartur fino to ths east aml we1 qoárter line of si;d ac.ctioM : tiicnir Wrst n .aiil (marter line eight chalus anü Iwc-nty-eight links to tlie we.-t quartci-post of said sectiun; tlience noi'Lli to tho uiuce of beglnalng excepttng una resèrving ouo acre as owncd at tne dato o t tea ld mortgageby r'reeman BlKott, also cxccptuii; abou iwo and one-ha.lf acres of Itind owned nt the date of stiid mortHo by May P. iiennett and fnrthally omcd by Charles Blood, said descripttun above, eonveylng twemy-fivc acres of be the same more or less, and bolnif that pait of the estáte of Josepii ( ennett decen flri st off iu the partition of .-.mi estáte to Etta Atclilnson. oue of the boira 01 Balo ut ueuBi u. Dated, .lauuary 22d. W. HOBERT C. SAFKOKD, Gao. A. TuiKwt: ti. ui, MortKagee. Attorney for MortgagL. CAIV I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora proiupt answer and an honest opirñon, write to BI USN fc (.'()., who have hnd nearlyflfty yenrB' experience in the patent business. Communications strictly confldentlal. A Ilantlbook of Information concernióse Patent and bow to obtain ibem oent free. Also a catalogue of mecbanical and scientlñc books sent free. Patents taken throuch Muiin Co. recelve special noticelnthe Scicntilic AnuTicnti, and thus are brouuht witlely betore tbe public without cost to tbe Inventor. Thls splendld paper, lssued weekly, elegantly Ulustrated, bas by far the lareest circiilation of any scientiflc work In the world. S'i a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Kd'ition, monthly, $2..-jOa year. Single copies, r5 cents. Kvery number contains beautlful plates, in colors, and photopraphB of new houses. with plans, enabling builders to show the latest cleslKns and secure contract. Address MUNN & CO., New Youk, 3tól Bhoauwat.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News