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Harness, fur robes, blankets and horse clippers, also patent steel whips at the lowest prices, at Fred Theurer's, 12 W. Liberty St. tf. As the season for Opera Classes is nearly over, we will close out our stock at nearly cost price. tf's Jewelry'Store. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. ?OR SALE- 4houses; one for $4,000, one for " f3,800: 13 Ingalls s t. ,12,600; new brick house $2,450; lot with cellar on 8. Thayer, il.200. Inquire S D. Allen, 90 E. Washington st. FOR KENT- A euite of three pleasant, well lighted furnished rooms, for liifht housekecplne; one ulock from postoffloe. Eniiulre thia office. FOILND- A grey nounü carne to my place Saturday, January 12. Owner oan recover by eallinir and paying 'for this notice. O. B. Schaffer, Dexter road. 3tf FOR SALE OK KENT.-Larne new nouse with all modern improvements, cistern and city water in house and well ncar dooi'. Will take Id part paymentsmall house or lots orsrnall farm nearcity, balance ou long time and lowinterest. V. ('. Box 1345. FOK SALE.- TO acres on Chubb St. in acre or Uve acre lots or uil toether. Lons: time, small payment, 6 per cent Jas. H. McDonald, 42 Moffat Building, Detroit, Midi . LOST.-Near Athletlc Grounds, on Paturday, January 1)1, Ladies' Snoppinu: Bair, coutfliniug some money, tickets for watch and Bpectaclefi at Wm. Arnold'fl and some other articles. Kinder please return to Arnold's Jewelry Store, :i(i South Main Street, and receive reward. MAN Wanted: salary and expenses. Per manent place; whole or part time Appl.y al once. Brown Rros. ('o., Nurserymen, ChiÉafO. VOTICE-I, J. w. Jlennott, proprletor of ■!■' Dextei House. Dexter, have opened up my barn and will run astrletly first-class feea burn in eonnection with hotel. íVill be triad to see old customei'8 and lots of new ones. and satlsfactlon uaranteed. Áu experienced horst-man in attendance. tf POl'LTRV wanted- market price paid for all kinds of Poultry, at the corner of Kll'tb and Summit Streets. C. C. Weeks & ('o.. Aun A rbor. FOK SALE OHEAP- My house aud lot on the corner of Traver and Pontiac etreets, in the Fiftli wara of the city of Aun Arbor. A desirable location for wood or coal yard. Mv thesideof ï. &A. A. tracks. Williain Actton. Jauuary 23, 1S95. it PIANO Tl'NINH.- A II. llrown, the wcll known piano tuner with C. J.VVhiine)', will be in the city soon. Orders left at the ABOC8 office will receive his atteution. TO RENT.- At No. 20 S. StaM) Ht. A Hat 01 six rooms. Enquire at 1 S. Slate St. 2M1 WILL EXCHANGE a BrSt-olaus substantial, " roomy, open, sinjile bujisy for hay, wood oreash, A. M. Clark 47 División st. WANTED- A MAN in cvery geetlon at once to sell staple Koods to dealei's: DO peddling; experience nnnecessary: best side Biie. $75.0Oa month. Salaiyand expenses orlarle! commlssion made. Address, with 2 cent stamp for sealed particulars, Clifton Soap and ' Manufacturintf Company, Oinclnnhti, Ohlo. WANTED.- Place of live or ten acres with house and barn, one or two miles from from Ann Arbor city. Box 310, Manchester Mlch W' ANTED. Jckx tenant for very nice store on Liberty st., near State. Terms reasouable. Also Hats to rent, very desirable. Knqulre la South State st. WANTED- A tenant to work my farm on shares t Scio. (íeo. A. Peters.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News