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[official. j ( OUNCIL UHAMBBH, Ann Arbor, Micli., Jan. 25, 1895. Adjourned gession. Called to order bv President Wines. Roll Cftlled. Quorum present. Absent - Aliinendinger - 1. COMMUNICATIONS. Ass Akbob, Mich, Jan. 25, 1S95, To the Hon. Oom m on Ooaacll; ïherobi'ins st.ill unpakl upon the tal rolls In njy Imiiils. the sum of about $15,000 OU. I am eoinpelled lo ask tliat In acoorddDoe witli your usual custom the time for the collection of the same be extended to.and Includinsr., 1895. Very respeetfully, crEO. H. I'O.S'I), City Treasurcr. Aid. Manly inovet that the reguest ol the city treaaurer be granted that the lime for oollecting the taxes be extended to and iuOlodlng Keoruary 2Stli 18U5. Adopted unani'mouslv. President Winea stated that the hour of 8 o'clock liaving arrived, as the time lixed for receiving report from the spec' iul charter committee. _ Chairman Wagner offered the followiiiS report : To the Hou. the Comiuou Counoll of the t'iiy ol An Arboi-. Gentlemen: Your coiumitlee oi revisión o" charter begs leave to report that Mie following amendinentfi and alleratlons of the charter are deemed advisahle, vlz: lat. That Seo 17 of the charter bp so amendert tliat the p.lls at all charter ele lions shall be opened at even o'clock In tue morulng and shall be kept open until Hve o'clock in the afternoon. 2nd That Sec. 30 be amended as follows: "The following city offieers, vlz: A mayor, president of the cominon council, six aldermen, (three of whom shall be elected eaeh year) clly clerk, two justlces of the peace, and an assesor shall be eleoted by the quallfled voters of the w hole city, and a supervisor, onealdermun and a constable shall be elected in each ward " 3rd. That .sec. 31 benmended b strikingout the words, "a city Marshal." 4(li. That Sec. :be amended by strik Ing out the words, 'The Major,1 "the President oí i Counctl " 5th. That Sec. 34 be ameuded by insertlng the words, "The Mayor." 'Pres. of," ! tbus inaking the term of the mayor one of I two years. 6th That Sec. 61 beamended so as toread as follows: "The Mayor shall appoIntaCity Marshal wbo shall be the chiel of the pólice of llieclty and subject to the direelioti of the Mayor. he-Mayot shull appointsuch j bers of policemen or nigut-waichineu i's the O'ommou Councii raaj deern neceKsary for the goodgovern ment oi the city and for the protection of the persons and property of the inhabitauts thereol; and may appoint such special policemen frora time to lime as the Uiinmou Counoll may authorlze, wheo in hls Judginent tho emergency or necessity may so require and may jrovide for and appolnt subordínate offlcers for the pólice and iiight-watchtnen " H shall be his duty. etc. Also strike out all of Sec. 66, after the words, "and may arrest persous found druuk in the streeUi, etc." 7tb.Tnat Sec. 60 be amended as followsThe Mayor, President of the Council and each aldermaa shall receive the Rum of One Hundred Dollars per aDnum which shall be in full for all services; the city clerk ahall receivc such sum as aa thecommon council shall determine, not exceeding one thousand dollars per annum. 8th. That section 83 be amended to read as follows: The city mar6hal and auy policeman or ulcht watehman appointed to oflice by the mayor, by authorlty of this act, may be suspended or removed by the mayor, aud in case of tlie suspension or removal of any sueh oflicer, the mayor shall preseut to the common council al lts next regular meeting his reatous for such suspension or removal. tn writing, wiiicii sñau Decome a part of the record of such meeting. Auy other person appointed to office by the mayor may be suspended or removed liy him. by and with the consent of the majorityof the merabern elect of the council, and the council luay expel, etc. 9tu. That subdivisión second of Sec. 88 be amended by iuserting the words "and destroy" after tlie word "seize" and before the words "all instrumenta " That subdivisión twelfth of said seetlon be amended to readas löllows: "To arrest and punish drunkards. and persons found drunk in the streets, lanes, alleys and public places of said city, disorderly persons, vagrauts, cominon prostitutes, commou street walkers, tneudicants, street becgars and persons solicitiug alms or subscriptious for aay purpose whatever " That subdivisión 21st of said section be amended to read: "To regúlate, licnse and control hackmen. omuibusruen, porters, runners aad all others soliciliug passengers and others to ride in any hack, omnibus or upon am railway, or to go to any hotel or other ulaoe, and to prevent said hackmen, omnibusmen, portere and runners f rom entering within any railroiid station at siieh times as the common council may determine." lOth. That Sec. 90 be amended by iuserting ftfter the words "for any purpose" these words : "They shall have power to determine by ordinance the puuisnmeut of all persons convicted of any violation of the same, by imprisonment at harílj labor or; otherwise, aud thev may prescribe núes, iinprisonment, penalties, and forfeitures for ihe violation of the same, iiot exceeding," etc. After the words "House of Correction" add the followlug: "And they nhall also have the power to imposeimprisonment of any person at hard labor, in default of the payment of any fine imposed for the violation of such ordiuance," i llth. ThatHcc. 107 be amended by striking I out words "by and with tue consent of the' OOuncil." lith That Sec. 111 be amended by striking out the. words "with the consent of the cominon coancil." ,. 13th. That this council petition the leglslatare fora 8pecUl aot authoriïing the city to i-ni.iT into a contract for lighting the city íbr a term not exceeding five yeara. C. W. WAGNER,) P. 1. Bodmkr, VCommlttee. J. W. Bbnnett, i Aid. Manly subiriitted the following miaority report. 'To the Commou Couacll of the City of Ann Arbor : As a memoer of the committee to whora was referrel the matter pertalning to the amendnienw to the City Charter, would report tlutt tho whole oommUtee have nol at nu y linie niet or a majority of said committjee slned a report of its deliberalions. As a member of said cominittee, would most reKpectfully submit for your connideration the foHowniK proposed amendments, aud recommend itial they bealopled. No. 1.- Section 1, Page 12. Amended by stnking out, (iuspectors shall Hp.poin.tjone.of their uumber.) Inscrtiiis! in ileu thereof, (senior aldermen Shall be.) i No. 2.- Section 30, Page 15. Amended by st'iking out, (President of the (Xiiumon CouiiOil.) No. ï - -sectiou SI, Tape 15. Amended by st'ikiug out (members of the lloard of Public orks). inserting after the word "Treasurer" in faurthline (Street Commi.ssiouer). ... No. 1- Kectiou32, Page 16. Amended by sti iking out 11 atter the word 'iimdu" in third line. iluscrünR in lieu thereof (on or before the íirst regular meeting ïu June of same year). i No 5 Sectloo :;n. Pngp ifi. Amended by stríking out (President cf tb Cominon Council). No. 6- eetion ■!". P?e 18 Amendfd by Insorting thtí word (electiva between the ords "of and ofrieers" in th lir lillu. No. 7.- Reotlon 4:, Piure I. Amended by striklng out the words, i I'rcsi Identofthe l'nmmon Conncll.) No. .S.-SfCt1on 4. l'nse20. Amended by Insertlng lo ttie second Une aftur tile ivord "Cily"(presiding offloer oftli Conimou Council.) No. Sectlon 50, Page 20 Amendfd hy slriking ont the words, (Preí ident. of the Coinnion Council. Iiisertinir in lts atead. (Mayor.) Xo. 10.- Section 6!). Page 3U. Amendwl by strlklng out (all of said ppc tion toand iucluding áunum) iu the twelfth lint'. Inserting in lieu thereof, (theofflcors of said Corporation sliall be enlitled to rebeive out of the City Treasory the followln" sums In full pnyment of their service. The Mayor and each member of the Common Council twohundred dolhuK Pach per annum. the Clerk and assessor each one I housand dollars per annum, the City Attomey glx hundred dollars per annum, the City Treasnrer one hundred dollars ) And further amended and striking out nll afierthe word "Allow" ou line seventeen to and Inoludlog the word otlice" in line twenty-one. Xo. U- Sectlon 70, Page 31. Amended ly striking out words, (President f sald Cou-ncll.) And insertlng iu lieu thereof, (Mayor.) No. 12- Section 71, Page SI. Amend byetriklng ont, (President of the Sommorj Council) wherever the same ocour. Inscrling u lis stead, (Mnvor.) No. I:{- Seetfon :i, Pnsre 32. Amended by striking out, (c;rthe President of the Ootnmon Couneil.y No. 14- Section 77, Paste 34. Amended by inserting (Street Commissionerj aftnr the word "attorney" in first line. No. lo - Section 134. Page 09. Amended by striking out all of the section. Inserting the foilowing, to be kuown as sec tiou 131. (The respective chairmon of tho Street. Sidewalk and Sewer Commitlce shall constitnte a board and be kuown as the Board of Public Works.) No. 16- Sectiou 185, Page 70. Aniend by striking out all of said sectiou down to and including the word -'act" in eignth line. Inserting in lien thereof (the aldermun comprislng the Board of Public Works) No. J7- SectLon 13i. Page 7S. Amended by insertiug (subject to the approval of the Commou Council) after the word "commissioner" in sixth line from the bottom of the page, aud after the word "Commissioner" iii ürst line on page 74. No. lSection 143. Page 75. Amend by striking out (uo member of said oard). also striking out (with tho consent of ie Commou Council in the last line of secion. Respectfully submitted, C. H. Mani.y. Tresident Wines stated that the meudmeats will now be taken up by iy sections for approval or disapproval. ïhe yeas and naj-s being called on he lst auiendment in Sec. 17 was adopt il as follows : Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Wood, nyder, Ferguson, Brown, Taylor, Kiton, Prettyman, Pres. Wines. - 10. Kays. - Aid. Martin, Manly - 2. The yeas and nays being called on the nd amendment in Section 30 lost as bllows : Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Brown, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines - 6. Nays- Aid. Martin, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Manly, Taylor.- 6 AM. Manly moved to arnend Sectioi 30 to strike out ia line two the word " president of the common council." J.'tst as folio W3 : Yeas - Aid. Manly - 1. Kays - Aid. Wagner, Boduier, Martin Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Tay lor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines. - 1 The yeas and nays beingcalledon the 3rd atnendment in Sec. 31, and adoptec as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Manly Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines. - . Nays - Aid. Martin, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown - 5. The report of the 4th ainendinent in Sec. 33 was on motion of Aid. Prettyman amended as follows, by striking out the words " president of the common council." The amendment of Aid. Prettyman pievailed as follows : Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Wood, Snyder, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines.- 10. Nays - Aid. Martin, Ferguson - 2. The original amendment as amended prevailed as follows : - Yreas - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Brown, Manly, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines Nays- Aid. Martiu, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Taylor - 5. The report of the 5th amendment was read. Aid. Browu asked for a división of the question as to making the term of office of Mayor and President eligible to more than two years,aud it was adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Bclmer, Wood, Snyder, Brown, Mauly, Taylor, Kitson, Frettyman, Pres. Wines. - 10. Nays - Aid. Martin, Ferguson - 2. On motion the last clause in said amended section be stricken out. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. Wines- 8. Nays - Aid. Wagner, Bodnier, Martin, Prettyman- 4. The following vote was taken on the original Section as amended. Lost as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Brown, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines - 6. Nays - Aid. Martin, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Manly, Taylor- 6. The yeas and nays being called on the 6th amendment Sec. 61, and adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Brown, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines. - 7. Nays - Aid. Martin, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Manly - 5. Aid. Wagner moved that in as much as several itmendments have been lost, the report be laid on the table. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 12. Nays - None. On motion the Council adjouraed. City Clerk.


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