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Busy Store Of Schairer & Millen

Busy Store Of Schairer & Millen image
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THIRD WEEK OF JANUARY Marl -Dm tent ai Read the Low Prices we make on Cottons. Did you ever hear of such low prices before. 50 pieces Apron Check and Plaid Ginghams, this sale 4c a yd. 10 pieces Good Bed Ticking, for this sale 5c a yd. 25 yards Good yard wide Sheeting for $1.00. 7c yard wide Soft finish Bleached Cotton for 5c a yd, 8c yard wide Fine Bleached Cotton for 6c a yd. Best quality Lonsdale Cambric, for this sale 10c a yd. Yard wide Fruit of the Loom Bleached Cotton for 7c a yd. Yard wide Lonsdale Bleached Cotton at 7c a yd. All 7c and 8c yard wide Unbleached Cottons now 6c a yd. All best quality 7c Dress Prints, during this sale 5c a yd. Best quality 7c yard wide Unbleached Cotton now 5c a yd. 42 inch Bleached Pillow Cotton, for this sale 8c a yd. 46 inch Bleached Pillow Cotton, for this sale 10c a yd. 6-4 wide Bleached Cotton, for this sale 12c a yd. 8-4 wide Bleached Sheeting, for this sale 14c a yd, 9-4 wide Bleached Sheeting, for this sale 16c a yd. 10-4 wide Bleached Sheeting, for this sale 18c a yd. 8-4 and 9-4 wide Unbleached Sheeting, a bargain at 12Lc yd. 10 pieces Unbleached Cantón Flannel, for this sale 5c a yd. A good time to buy your Spring Cottons during this sale. Bleached and Unbleached Twill Cotton Toweling at 3c a yd. Checked Glass Linen Toweling, for this sale 5c a yd. Stevens' 16 inch Linen Toweling, for this sale 5c a yd. All Fine Linen Toweling marked down for this sale. 10-4 White and Gray Blankets, for this sale 53c a pair. White Bedspreads, the 85c qi-ality, for this sale 59c each. Fine Bed Blankets and Comfortables all marked down. LADIES ! Don't Forget Our Dress G-oods and Sük Sale at One Quarter Off, a saving of 25 per cent on every dollar's worth you buy. Sdn fff A Wt X ï "5"" '',-■ 1 . Jri % M y m mm mom a Pil A 01 F il It IITIFV Leader"f UÜHsuÜjil AU illL JjiaJOiil , Low Prices.


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