Patronage Of The University Library
LibrarÃan R. C. Davis, of the University library, has had some valuablestatistics compiled and novr states to the newspaper correspondents that for the first time the records now show that more books are read in the University of Michigan library than in any other university library in the country and this in spite of the fact that the library here is ninth in size compared with the other university Jibraries of the United States. Harvard has a library of 455,000 volumes and Michigan one of 95,000 and yet, as stated above, the Michigan library is now most used by the students. The reports for last year show that outside of the reference books, 13,000 volumes are taken from the library shelves each month. The largest circulation for one day was 770 volumes. An average week shows 1,744 lady students read books in the library as against 2,756 of the boys.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News