R. Kempf & Uro. have sold an( are shipping out the wool they have carried since last tammer. The special meetings are goiog on this week at the M. E. Church. Considerable interest is manifested. The first services vvere held last Sunday in the new Congregational church. It was dedicated this week Thursday, by the Rev. J. W. Bradshaw, of Ann Arbor. Jas. M. Dunn, of Milwaukee, talked to a srnall audience at the Baptist church last Friday night. Nothing will ruin a town any quicker than overloading the people with unnecessary taxes for things they do not need and that do nu body any good in their business. Mrs. Albert Guthrie, who has been dangerously sick, is now convalescent. Willie Mills, of Unadilla, is not expected to live many days with consumption. C. J. Chandler & Co. have discharged some of their employés until trade starts up. A grand masquerade ball is advertised at the town hall for February 8. R. J. West, of Sylvan Center, is doing a thriving business this winter slaughtering superanuated horses for their hides, bones and flesh. The upper part of the store building on the west side of Main street next to the postoffice has been fixed over and will be used for a reading room for young men, to prevent q f rom go ing to saloons for recreation. The Postal Telegraph office has been moved into the basement under Armstrong's drug store. The sleighing is poor in spots on east and west roads. The price of wheat has declined and it bas nearly stopped coming in. It stands at 48c for red or white. Rye 49c, barley 95c, oats 30c, beans $1.40, clover seed $5, dressed hogs $5, chickens 5c, eggs 17c, butter 15c The village board last week decided not to indulge in the luxury of are lights for the streets of Chelsea. The people are already taxed higher than they ought to be and are in no condition to stand any more for luxuries. There is much less complaint about suffering po:r people this winter than usual. C. E. Letts, of Detroit, was here on business, Wednesday. Ed. Branch, of Brooklyn, N. Y., was here among relatives on Monday. John Baumgartner, of Ann Arwas here about business, on Tuesday. The weather has often been colder but the oldest inhabitant cannot remember a whole week so boistrous and stormy as last week in this state. The L. O. T. M. aje preparing a Martha Washington tea party for next month. Chas. Steinbach has moved into lis new harnes shop. Albert Fisher late of Canada, has operied a shoe shop in the Laird building, vacated by Chas. Steinbach's harness shop.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News