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Dexter Township

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Mr. and Mrs. L. Mamie are rejoicing over a daughter, born January 20. A party of Ann Arborites were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Trautwein last Wednesday evening. All report an enjoyable time. Mrs. William Voorhis left Thursday for Fowlerville, where she was called on account of the illness of her father. J. Gallagher was a Pinckney visitor last week. Miss Clara Rosier died at her home in Dexter village, Sunday, January 27, aged 28 years, after a long illness. She leaves a sister and three brothers to mourn her loss. The funeral took place on Tuesday. Died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. O. Smith, in the vil lage, Mrs. Angelí, of Dundee, on January 25. She carne here on a visit to her daughter. Her death was caused by paralysis, from which she suffered a short time before death came to her relief. Her funeral took place on Monday afternoon, and was attended by a large nuniber of relatives and friends. Jacob J edele was at the county seat last Monday. Messrs. G. Lamberson and G. Culy, of Hamburg, made a business trip here on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Hudson had the pleasure of entertaining her sis ter from Ann Arbor the first of the week. Miss Ettie Smith, of the University city, has been visiting her parents here for a few days. Mr. Green, of Fowlerville, made us a pleasant cali one day the past week. K.ev. F. Smart, of Detroit, preachj ed in the M. E. church in this village last Wednesday evening. Mr. McLachlan, the evangelist singer who bas been holding revival meetings in the M. E. church here, will go' to Pinckney from here. Prof. J. R. Sage, of Ann Arbor, has organized a singing school at Hudson school house, district No. 3. There is a class of 20, and will meet every Monday evening. R. Flintoft and sister, of Emery, visited their sister here one day last week. Dr. Darling, of Ann Arbor, and friend were visitors in this place recently. Died at his home in Webster, on Sunday night, January 20, John Vaughn, aged seventy-two years. Mr Vaughn was one of the pioneers of Webster township. The funeral was held at his home, Wednesday morning, Rev. Mr. McConnell officiating. Frank Staffan, of Chelsea, wás in :his place on business last week. J. Cook, of London, Ont., is visting relatives in this place for a few weeks. Pat Farham, of Pinckney, made a business trip here last week. Mr. and Mrs. ï'red Lathrop have been entertaining friends for a few days. Mrs. E. A. Butler and niece visited friends in Gregory last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas French have been entertaining friends for the last few days. Misses Olive Pacey and Hattie Keith have returned home 'rom Ann Arbor, after several days' visit with friends. H. W. Newkirk and John Spoon were in Detroit one day last week. Charles Thompson returned home last Saturday from Lima, Montana, where he has been in business with his brother. Mr. and Mrs. O. Uavis, of Alma, was the guest of friends here last week. J. V. N. Gregory and Edgar Phelps have returned home from their western trip. Mr. and Mrs. M. Gilbcrt, of Detroit, have been the guests of friends here the past week. M. S. Cook and R. C. Reeve attended the big Masonic meeting in Detroit last week. Mr. Scranson, of Webster, was here last week calling on friends. Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. John Eagle, a son, Jan. 28th. Mr. Waldron, of Jackson, was with his daughter here visiting last week one day. Misses Carrie and Sarah Taylor were called home last VVednesday by the illness of their father. Mrs. Vaughn entertained her father last week. T. B. Taylor, of Jackson, and C. Taylor, of Unadilla, visited their Únele, A. Taylor, who is sick, the past week. G. Stoll was an Ann Arbor visitor, recently. Mr. Butler is visiting his brother at Masón for a few days. H. Winslow, of Howell, was in this place on business last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. Lavey attended the funeral of their cousinin Pinckney last Monday. Tom Harris and sister attended :heir cousin's funeral in Pinckney ast Monday. Charles Stoll, of Ann Arbor, was the guest of his parents last Sunday. Mr. Samerson, of Green Oak, was here on business the first of thï week. E. R. Doane was in this place on business one day last week. Mr. Cook, of Howell, made a business trip here on Tuesday.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News