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tebruary is almost here and the i4th is always hailed with delight by all of the young people and some of the older ones. Sleighing is fine in Milan and vicinity. Thermometer eight degrees below zero, Monday. Business is good in progressive Milan. A few tramps in town the first of the week. The D. of R's. will indulge in a social, Thursday evening, at the I. 0. O. F. parlors. Att'y G. R. Williams received notice this week of the death of Gen. 1. M. Stiles, the last surviving metnber of the law firra he was with in Chicago, 26 years ago. The attorney says Gen. Stiles was one of the strongest reasoners before a jury he ever saw. In politics the general was always a democrat. Mrs. Geo. Minto is entertaining guests from abroad. Mrs. Wm. Taylor is dangerously i)l. Her daughters, Mrs. Reynolds, of Detroit, Mrs. Webster, of Allegan, and Mrs. J. Taylor, of Bay City, are with her. Logs are coming into Milan fast this week. Miss Susie Knight will take part in the song recital at Dundee, Tuesday night. Several of the Milanites will take in the Dundee singing, Tuesday evening. The Knights of Pythias will or;anize a lodge in the near future. Milan has seven secret societies and a great many societies that are not secret. Take it as a whole, Mi an is a social and wide-awake vilage. The Epworth league social was a very pleasant affair, Friday evening. Miss Rheinfrank visited in Saline rom Friday unlil Monday. Miss Forsythe visited friends in Lodi from Friday until Monday. The T. H. T. spent a very enjoyable evening with Miss Flossie Chapman, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kelly went to Detroit to attend the Masonic banquet and to see the laying of the córner stone of the Masonic temple. Mrs. Geo. Hanson has retufned from a protracted visit wfth her brother in Fort Wayne, Ind. A goodly number of the Milán Masons attended the laying of the córner stone of the grand Masonic temple in Detroit last week. Mrs. N. Simpson has gone to Chicago with her sister, Mrs. Schuyler, who is ill with consumption, hoping that she may receive benefit. Mr. and Mrs. N. Babcock talk of moving into N. Taylor's house on Tolen street. Mrs. H. A. Vincent is quite ill Mr. T. W. Barnes vibrated between Dundee and Milán last week.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News