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Hal. Davenport bas gone to Montpelier, Ind., to work. The ladies' aid society of the M. E. church gave a chicleen pie social at the home of Mrs. Edmond Conde Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 30. At a meeting of the trustees of the Free Methodist church, last Mpnday, it was voted to sell the church and grounds to the Maccabees who will use it for a goat stable and lodge roum. At a meeting of the Baptist church Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 22nd, it was voted to cali a council to consider the ordination of Pastor A. R. Mead. The council will meet Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 5, at the church Invitations to this council have been sent to the pastors of all churches in the association, to Revs. Jesse Boyden, of Kalamazoo; F. E. Arnold and T. E. Smith, of Ypsilanti; R. E. Manning, C. E. Votey, C. J. Page and Z. Grenell, D. D., of Detroit. The ordination service will occur in the evening. The ladies of the church will serve dinner and supper to the guests at the parsonage-


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News